Making Notetab++ the default app in Windows 10
These are the steps that I just went through to make Notetab++ my default app for .txt files. I had to reconstruct most of it from memory since I had already accomplished the task:
Go to Settings
Select Apps
Select Default Apps
Scroll to Chose default apps by file type
Scroll down to .txt
Click on the icon by .txt
Scroll down to “Look for app in the Store”
Click on Search in top right
Search for Notepad++
Click on the "(Unofficial) Notepad++
Here’s where I have to go by memory (that I used to have)
Either the next step or the one after will ask if you want to download Notepad++
Answer YES or click Download (I’m not sure of which)
It will download Notepad++ even if you already have it installed.
when it’s through I believe it ask if you want it added to the start, task bar, or . . .
I had it added to the task bar.
When I clicked on it, it opened Notepad++ as I had set it up before all my sittings remained the same.
Good luck, it was a real pain in the kister. -