Open files that start with (or contain) a pattern
How can I configure Notepad++ to open files that start with a specific pattern?
I have files that are all named starting with “Process_A”
Process_A.e4567and so on
Is there a way I can configure the “File Association” field to:
[1] open files that start with a specific pattern (files starting with Process_A as outlined above)
[2] open files that end with “.e\d+” (using perl like syntax here - i.e. files that end with dot followed by the letter e followed by a number")
Thanks in advance,
Anand -
Hmmm…not really a Notepad++ question per se, so I won’t get too deep into it…but you could do something like this at a CMD prompt (or batch file):
For [1]:
for %f in (Process_A*) do echo %f
For [2]:
for %f in (*.e????) do echo %f
where of course you replace
with a command-line to invoke Notepad++…This hopefully will get you started on a solution…the solution for #2 isn’t real “tight”… :-)
If you’re going to invoke perl for me… :-)
>ls -latr total 132 -rw-rw-rw- 1 Peter.Jones 0 0 2018-10-31 08:08 Process_A.e1234 -rw-rw-rw- 1 Peter.Jones 0 0 2018-10-31 08:08 Process_A.o1234 -rw-rw-rw- 1 Peter.Jones 0 0 2018-10-31 08:08 Process_A.e4567 -rw-rw-rw- 1 Peter.Jones 0 0 2018-10-31 08:09 pre.e1 -rw-rw-rw- 1 Peter.Jones 0 0 2018-10-31 08:09 pre.e12 -rw-rw-rw- 1 Peter.Jones 0 0 2018-10-31 08:09 pre.e123 -rw-rw-rw- 1 Peter.Jones 0 0 2018-10-31 08:09 pre.e1234 drw-rw-rw- 2 Peter.Jones 0 4096 2018-10-31 08:09 . drw-rw-rw- 27 Peter.Jones 0 131072 2018-10-31 08:23 .. >perl -e "for(glob('Process_A*')){ system(qq(echo path/to/notepad++.exe $_)) }" path/to/notepad++.exe Process_A.e1234 path/to/notepad++.exe Process_A.e4567 path/to/notepad++.exe Process_A.o1234 >perl -e "for(glob('*.*')){ next unless /\.e\d+/; system(qq(echo path/to/notepad++.exe $_)) }" path/to/notepad++.exe pre.e1 path/to/notepad++.exe pre.e12 path/to/notepad++.exe pre.e123 path/to/notepad++.exe pre.e1234 path/to/notepad++.exe Process_A.e1234 path/to/notepad++.exe Process_A.e4567
All you have to do is remove the echo, and fix
, and those perl one-liners will do what you want. :-) -
Thanks Peter and Scott for the responses.
In my case, I am “not” specifically looking to open all files at once.
I just want to be able to configure Npp File association to be able to open files that start with a specific pattern (or contain a pattern).
Windows file associations don’t work on patterns, they work on fixed extensions.
Personally, I have a notepad++ association on the (windows-special)
HKCR entry (though not the default assocation, of course), so I can right click and “Open with notepad++” no matter the extension.update: added “windows-special” above. In the registry’s HKCR, that
entry is not really doing a file globbing; it’s the windows registry notation for “all file types”. -
@PeterJones said:
… I can…“Open with notepad++” no matter the extension.
Amen–it’s what I do as well. I’ve never really understood file extension association with something like Notepad++, so I don’t understand what all the usual hullabaloo is about (all the questions on this Community concerning it). Sure, I understand file associations for something like .xlsx where it is ALWAYS going to be Excel that opens those files…but Notepad++ has no such equivalent.
comes closest I guess, but still…