The strange behavior of the cursor in the Notepad + + window
thanks for your videos, installed programs list and for testing, it is very helpful.
i hope we can find the cause and maybe a solution too.(if any other community member has any ideas, please join.)
this is very strange and i have not seen this except on virtual machines or screen caching.
normally the cursor should not change until you enter or leave the editor area, like seen in this video below:one more thing you can try:
what happens if you boot into safe mode (repeatedly press f8 key at boot) and try notepad++ there ?(in safe mode the intel integrated graphics driver will not be started, so if it does not flicker in safe mode it could be a combination of this driver version and notepad++ … or something else that is not started in safe mode)
side information:
if you want to embed your pictures here directly, you can post them like this:


will appear embedded like this:
Notepad++ I have been using for a long time.
I have this happens on all versions of Notepad++
I downloaded NPP.7.6.2 and the problem has not passed.
same thing can sometimes happen If you change the delay for the tooltips under the 100ms (default 400ms) through Windows registry or quite a lot of management-suites for Windows includes those settings (f.e. Windows 10 Manager from Yamicsoft)
How to disable these tooltips in Windows 7?
Please help how to inform the author of the program to solve my problem. -
Hiding a toolbar is not a solution to the problem.
@andrecool-68 said:
Please help how to inform the author of the program to solve my did not report what happens if you boot into safe mode (f8) and test notepad++.
this is important to can try to submit a request here:
but it will not be possible to find the cause, because no one of the devs and regulars can reproduce this problem, as it is not related to notepad++ but to a combination with your system.
if a developer would haveexperienced the same problem it would be fixed already. -
It was the same in safe mode. -
Everyone is asking what the reason is… No one can determine it
Some fiction turns out -
@Meta-Chuh said:
@andrecool-68 said:
Please help how to inform the author of the program to solve my did not report what happens if you boot into safe mode (f8) and test notepad++.
this is important to can try to submit a request here:
but it will not be possible to find the cause, because no one of the devs and regulars can reproduce this problem, as it is not related to notepad++ but to a combination with your system.
if a developer would haveexperienced the same problem it would be fixed already.How do know the cause of this hallucination?
i’m sorry if i upset you, it was not my intention.
its just very hard to get someone to look into an issue if it is difficult to reproduce, but i might have used the wrong words.i’ve read at the “stuck at administrator” thread, that you have reinstalled windows 7 x64 instead of x32.
did it solve or improve your flickering cursor problem ? -
@Meta-Chuh said:
i’m sorry if i upset you, it was not my intention.
its just very hard to get someone to look into an issue if it is difficult to reproduce, but i might have used the wrong words.i’ve read at the “stuck at administrator” thread, that you have reinstalled windows 7 x64 instead of x32.
did it solve or improve your flickering cursor problem ?It just happened again. I watched what was in the task manager (QTranslate, Google Chrome, Notepad ++, Everything)
closed QTranslate and the disappearance was gone, Notepad ++ was open at this time.
Maybe the reason is the QTranslate translator? -
If you close QTranslate and the problem goes away, then you should try a few more loops to confirm: start the translator, see if Notepad++ flicker comes back, then stop it again. If it’s highly repeatable that it flickers when QTranslator is running and does not flicker without the extra application, then it’s likely the way that QTranslator is interacting with Notepad++ – in which case, the issue might be in either application, or be a subtle interaction of settings in both.
@PeterJones said:
If you close QTranslate and the problem goes away, then you should try a few more loops to confirm: start the translator, see if Notepad++ flicker comes back, then stop it again.
That’s the only thing left to do …(;
Maybe the reason is the QTranslate translator?
sidenote to @PeterJones answer, which happened to be almost the same as the one i’ve just been typing for the last minutes but deleted it as i was slower due to trying to choose the phrases that can be translated unambiguously with qtranslator ;-) :
if you find out that qtranslate was the cause, please share it, and if you have time, please do not hesitate to help other community members if they experience a similar problem or any other problems that may interest you.
Perhaps this option makes the problem?
But I often need this option in the translator. -
Since it seems to be QTranslate that’s causing Notepad++ to flicker:
- You should update to indicate what you’ve learned
- You might want to open a ticket with QTranslate – I think they’d probably have a vested interest in making their product work with as many GUI applications as possible. Besides, I think the default assumption will be “since Notepad++ only flickers when QTranslate is interfering, then it’s QTranslate’s problem, not NPP”. My guess is the QTranslate team would be able to debug whether it’s their problem, and if not, might know where to look for the problem on Notepad++ end.
It takes time to prove the guilt of QTranslate, perhaps this is a temporary coincidence.
It takes time to prove the guilt of QTranslate, perhaps this is a temporary coincidence.
you are a very good and thoughtful tester, i like 👍
When the cursor blinks again, I killed the “QTranslate” process in the task manager. This did not solve the problem.