Accessing files through Notepad++ HELP!
I’m not familiar with coding and such but I downloaded an RPG off of the net called Impressive World. The game itself uses third-party OST for I really didn’t know most of the unknown titles until Streaming Audio software and Audio Tag saved the day.
However, there are a few songs missing that I needed to record but recording was too much work and found an easier way of looking up the mp3 files to the game.
File Explorer> Local Disk> Impressive World (x86)>media>terrains>
Under the terrains folder, I found many folders that each represent a portal or stage from the game that is made with the extension known as “.world”. Clicking on it and opening with Notepad, I found the mp3 file but it doesn’t say the original title of the song. :/
It mostly says the name of the stage.mp3 or number.mp3.
I used Notepad++ to help me out but found no results to access the file.
Any help, please? :)