UDL: /* block comment in one line, error */
The variants 2 and 3 would not matter to me when marking. Important is variant 1 good and variant 4 bad. At least one EOL is good.
I had to wait because as a new user I can only write every 20 minutes. -
I had to wait because as a new user I can only write every 20 minutes.
this restriction will disappear shortly, it’s a necessary and automatic spam prevention.
unfortunately i’ve reached the end of my knowledge on if it can be done, and how to do that if it can be done.
first because the udl’s styler rules work as cases, so once a case is found, they will not look if any other styler rule can be applied (except nesting rules)
second because ((EOL)) can apparently only be used as a stand alone item, and not be used as part of a string.
third because udl does not have any negation or cascaded rules like “must be more than one line” or “trigger if x is found, but not if y is missing”.
i hope that one of our community’s udl gurus or devs will read this thread in the next few days and finds a trick to solve this specific problem.
if it eases a bit: at least i finally understand exactly what you need, regarding one line block comments and using ((EOL)) as part of a styler/delimiter string 😉
Examples at https://ivan-radic.github.io/udl-documentation/keywords/ will suggest
/*\r\n or /*\r or /*\n
in keywords must work for /*(CR)(LF). That does not work.
i’ve played around a bit with the pythonscript plugin to add/compensate this feature to the dsm4com udl and i think i got it working the way you need.
block-comments in a single line are marked red, but all other line or block-comments are kept green.
here is a screenshot:
please tell us, if you need help installing or using the pythonscript plugin.
here’s the script, to be used as pythonscript startup script:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from Npp import editor, editor1, editor2, notepad, NOTIFICATION, SCINTILLANOTIFICATION, INDICATORSTYLE import ctypes import ctypes.wintypes as wintypes from collections import OrderedDict try: EnhanceUDLLexer().main() except NameError: user32 = wintypes.WinDLL('user32') WM_USER = 1024 NPPMSG = WM_USER+1000 NPPM_GETLANGUAGEDESC = NPPMSG+84 class SingletonEnhanceUDLLexer(type): _instance = None def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super(SingletonEnhanceUDLLexer, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instance class EnhanceUDLLexer(object): __metaclass__ = SingletonEnhanceUDLLexer @staticmethod def rgb(r,g,b): return (b << 16) + (g << 8) + r @staticmethod def paint_it(color, pos, length): if pos >= 0: editor.setIndicatorCurrent(0) editor.setIndicatorValue(color) editor.indicatorFillRange(pos, length) def style(self): start_line = editor.getFirstVisibleLine() # fix: The area which needs to be styled is wrongly calculated if there are folded parts within this area (Eko palypse) # end_line = start_line + editor.linesOnScreen() end_line = editor.docLineFromVisible(start_line + editor.linesOnScreen()) start_position = editor.positionFromLine(start_line) end_position = editor.getLineEndPosition(end_line) editor.setIndicatorCurrent(0) editor.indicatorClearRange(0, editor.getTextLength()) for color, regex in self.regexes.items(): editor.research(regex[0], lambda m: self.paint_it(color[1], m.span(regex[1])[0], m.span(regex[1])[1] - m.span(regex[1])[0]), 0, start_position, end_position) def configure(self): SC_INDICVALUEBIT = 0x1000000 SC_INDICFLAG_VALUEFORE = 1 # editor.indicSetFore(0, (181, 188, 201)) editor1.indicSetStyle(0, INDICATORSTYLE.TEXTFORE) editor1.indicSetFlags(0, SC_INDICFLAG_VALUEFORE) editor2.indicSetStyle(0, INDICATORSTYLE.TEXTFORE) editor2.indicSetFlags(0, SC_INDICFLAG_VALUEFORE) self.regexes = OrderedDict() # configuration area # self.regexes is a dictionary, basically a key=value list # the key is tuple starting with an increasing number and # the color which should be used, ored with SC_INDICVALUEBIT # the value is a raw bytestring which is the regex whose # matches get styled with the previously defined color # # using OrderedDict ensures that the regex will be # always executed in the same order. # This might matter if more than one regex is used. self.regexes[(0, self.rgb(255, 50, 50) | SC_INDICVALUEBIT)] = (r'^\/\*(.*?)\*\/$', 0) # self.regexes[(1, self.rgb(79, 175, 239) | SC_INDICVALUEBIT)] = (r'([A-Za-z0-9_]+?\$)', 1) # defining the lexer_name ensures that # only this type of document get styled # should be the same name as displayed in first field of statusbar # self.lexer_name = 'udf - DSM4COM' def get_lexer_name(self): ''' returns the text which is shown in the first field of the statusbar ''' language = notepad.getLangType() length = user32.SendMessageW(self.npp_hwnd, NPPM_GETLANGUAGEDESC, language, None) buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(u' '*length) user32.SendMessageW(self.npp_hwnd, NPPM_GETLANGUAGEDESC, language, ctypes.byref(buffer)) # print buffer.value # uncomment if unsure how the lexername in configure should look like - npp restart needed return buffer.value def __init__(self): editor.callbackSync(self.on_updateui, [SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.UPDATEUI]) notepad.callback(self.on_langchanged, [NOTIFICATION.LANGCHANGED]) notepad.callback(self.on_bufferactivated, [NOTIFICATION.BUFFERACTIVATED]) self.__is_lexer_doc = False self.lexer_name = 'User Defined language file - DSM4COM' self.npp_hwnd = user32.FindWindowW(u'Notepad++', None) self.configure() def set_lexer_doc(self, bool_value): editor.setProperty(self.__class__.__name__, 1 if bool_value is True else -1) self.__is_lexer_doc = bool_value def on_bufferactivated(self, args): if (self.get_lexer_name() == self.lexer_name) and (editor.getPropertyInt(self.__class__.__name__) != -1): self.__is_lexer_doc = True else: self.__is_lexer_doc = False def on_updateui(self, args): if self.__is_lexer_doc: self.style() def on_langchanged(self, args): self.set_lexer_doc(True if self.get_lexer_name() == self.lexer_name else False) def main(self): self.set_lexer_doc(True) self.style() EnhanceUDLLexer().main()
@Meta-Chuh said:
self.lexer_name = ‘udf - DSM4COM’
this would only be returned when using
the script uses windows/notepad API functions which means it should return something
likeUser Defined language file - DSM4COM
I guess you’ve already saw it but there is a little bug in the style function, as described here. -
thanks, i’m not very experienced in python and the pythonscript plugin, but after your modified suffix script, i thought i give it a try and do the same for this older, unsolved thread.
now that you are here, i have two more questions that you might be able to answer:
why is it called
udf - MyUDL
if we use notepad.getLanguageName(), and notudl - MyUDL
?how do you kill a running pythonscript without restarting notepad++ ?
- Because. My guess is that at one point, it was “user defined format” or something similar in someone’s mind.
- Plugins > PythonScript > Stop Script
thanks @PeterJones
at first i thought UDF was a typo while coding, but the keys L and F are too far apart for that, unless it happened when hitting the D at the edge to F, triggering both, resulting in UDFL, followed by backspacing the L instead of deleting the F.
this just stops a sequentially running script, but not event handlers or callbacks like this EnhanceUDLLexer.
is it impossible to stop those without exiting notepad++, as this event handler kind of just passes all its specs to scintilla, which processes the rest, without any further involvement of pythonscript ?
@Meta-Chuh said:
- Notepad++ internals see here
- High level view
Here we have to define what a running script means.
PS is a kind of python REPL like the standard python shell
which runs when you start python on the commandline.
The difference is that every script starts in a separate thread,
but those will, if no endless loop is written, end, normally, shortly after the start.
Callbacks are responsible that it looks like the script is still running.
The reason is that PS (python) remembers that there are objects (callbacks) that can not yet be destroyed
and therefore continue to live in this REPL and then be accessed by PS if necessary.
So to “end” this script, which is already finished, completely, it is needed
to terminate the callbacks, which means to destory its references to these objects.
This will be done with editor/notepad.clearCallbacks methods.
The topic is of course a lot more complex than I’ve explained briefly but basically you can say
no matter what kind of script is started, if PS did not show up in the menu Stop Script it ended.
If this also means that functionality is still running.
I hope this makes sense to you.
I do not get Python Script in the Plugins menu.
First installed plugin manager. Then error message when installing Python Script:
“A file needed by the plugin manager (gpup.exe) is not present under the updater directory. You should update or reinstall the Plugin Manager plugin to fix this problem. Notepad++ will not restart.”
Manual copy as described in PythonScript.chm did not work either.
Then completely uninstalled and deleted all leftovers in %ProgramFiles% and %appdata%.
npp.7.6.3.bin.x64.7z and PythonScript_Full_1. unpacked in the same directory. It does not work. -
unfortunately plugin installation is a little bit of a mess at the moment.
Would you mind posting your current debug-info from ?-menu
and in the meantime extract the PythonScript_Full_1. to a folder of your choice.Once we know how your current setup looks like we can give the information what needs
to be copied/moved where to. -
As described fresh portable installation.
“npp.7.6.3.bin.x64.7z” and “PythonScript_Full_1.” unpacked in the same directory.Notepad++ v7.6.3 (64-bit)
Build time : Jan 27 2019 - 17:16:47
Path : D:\Daten\PortableApps\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : OFF
Local Conf mode : ON
OS : Windows 10 (64-bit)
Plugins : DSpellCheck.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll -
@Gerald-Kirchner said:
Local Conf mode : ON
Local Conf mode : ON tells us, that the local install directory
is searched for the plugins and configs.This means, from the extracted PythonScript folder copy
the plugins folder into D:\Daten\PortableApps\Notepad++\
which basically asks for overwritting the plugins folder.The move the file PythonScript.dll from
D:\Daten\PortableApps\Notepad++\plugins\PythonScript\Finally copy the python27.dll from the extracted 7z into
D:\Daten\PortableApps\Notepad++layout should be
D:\ Daten\ PortableApps\ Notepad++\ plugins\ PythonScript\ lib\ scripts\ Pythonscript.dll python27.dll
Restart npp and you should see PythonScript plugin in the menu
There were 2 problems.
“\Notepad++\plugins\PythonScript.dll” instead of “\Notepad++\plugins\PythonScript\PythonScript.dll”. Wrong path packed in “PythonScript_Full_1.”.
PythonScript is 32-bit and I had npp 64-bit.
I have saved the script under \Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts. Initialization placed on ATSTARTUP. Click the script in the menu.
Nothing. No red color to see. I have to learn python.
self.lexer_name = ‘DSM_Sprache_gk_1902’ does not work too. This is the name of the imported language file.
The configured toolbar icon is not displayed. Even the preview in “Toolbar Icons” is empty.
With activated console and call from the menuTraceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Daten\PortableApps\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\DSM_block-comment.py", line 10, in <module> EnhanceUDLLexer().main() File "D:\Daten\PortableApps\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\DSM_block-comment.py", line 24, in __call__ cls._instance = super(SingletonEnhanceUDLLexer, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) File "D:\Daten\PortableApps\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\DSM_block-comment.py", line 117, in __init__ self.configure() File "D:\Daten\PortableApps\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\DSM_block-comment.py", line 70, in configure editor1.indicSetStyle(0, INDICATORSTYLE.TEXTFORE) AttributeError: type object 'INDICATORSTYLE' has no attribute 'TEXTFORE'
And in PythonScript documentation is missing TEXTFORE at INDICATORSTYLE
@Gerald-Kirchner said:
overlooked this one, current version is 1.3
error is most probably related to not having the current version installed.
I go to NPP -> ? -> Get More Plugins -> http://docs.notepad-plus-plus.org/index.php/Plugin_Central -> Python Script -> http://npppythonscript.sourceforge.net/download.shtml
Latest Version
No indication for newer versions. Please change the link to the newer version.Now with v1.3.0
Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Daten\PortableApps\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\DSM_block-comment.py", line 4, in <module> import ctypes ImportError: No module named ctypes
May I ask you which PythonScript package you installed?
It looks like the minimum package does not contain the ctypes module.
I would propose to install the full package. -
hi @Gerald-Kirchner @Eko-palypse @PeterJones and all,
sorry i was offline for a while.here is the correct guide to install the latest pythonscript on notepad++ according to your last debug info:
Notepad++ v7.6.3 (64-bit)
Build time : Jan 27 2019 - 17:16:47
Path : D:\Daten\PortableApps\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : OFF
Local Conf mode : ON
OS : Windows 10 (64-bit)
Plugins : DSpellCheck.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll-
download and extract PythonScript_Full_1.3.0.0_x64.zip from >>> here <<< (do not use any other release type except this zip).
copy PythonScript.dll from the plugins folder of this zip to:
copy python27.dll to:
copy the folders
containing machine level scripts andlib
containing python libraries, from the zip’s plugins\PythonScript folder to:
note: for a pythonscript installation guide on your installed notepad++ version, i would need another debug info of it, as it has to be adapted acordingly.
PythonScript_Min_1.3.0.0 changed to PythonScript_Full_1.3.0.0. I stay at 32-bit first.
(Also in PythonScript_Full_1.3.0.0_x64.zip the PythonScript.dll is in the wrong folder.)Now it works for manual execution.
Is there a way to automate that?
“import DSM_block-comment” in startup.py not working
It also does not work if I write the complete code to the end of startup.py (Initialization placed on ATSTARTUP).