Replace Comma Before & After All 13 Digit Numbers
I am looking to replace the comma after all 13 digit numbers in a document.
,1490998078635,End Goal:
|1490998078635|How exactly would I do that in the find & replace tool?
I note you said replace the commaAFTER
all 13 digits (in the post), yet the example you provided suggested you want to change the commaBOTH
before and after as per the post heading.
If there are exactly 13 digits everytime then the following Replace solution should suffice.
Find What:,(\d{13}),
Replace With:\|\1\|
This is a regular expression so the Replace settings must be search mode ‘regular expression’ and have the ‘wrap around’ ticked.Give it a go and get back to us if any issues.
Worked! Thanks a lot!