Perl language syntax highlighting troubles (bug or limitation ?)
Did what you wrote, got no result (no visible one I mean).But perhaps the color you defined in the script (can’t find how you did it) is the same as the one I already had (white).
Both the ‘<<’ operator and the q* ones are in white (on my blue background defined by the vim Dark Blue theme) which matches absolutely nothing (not a single catégorie) of my Perl coloring scheme not of my Global Styles… funny.We’ll see that perhaps next week (or this we if you’re at home) when (if) you have time.
Thanks for all. -
maybe we check first if your pythonscript plugin installation is working correctly.
Can you open the console (Plugins->Python Script->Show Console)?
Do you see something likePython 2.7.15 (v2.7.15:ca079a3ea3, Apr 30 2018, 16:30:26) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] Initialisation took 78ms Ready.
If so, can you type the following into the edit box at the bottom and press enter or run button?
What happened?
We’ll see that perhaps next week (or this we if you’re at home) when (if) you have time.
I assume that I’m online again in about 16-20hours, mostly depends on what
my BOSS wants me to do in the garden :-D -
Hello, I’m backDid the test for Python.
Python 2.7.15 (v2.7.15:ca079a3ea3, Apr 30 2018, 16:30:26) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] Initialisation took 359ms Ready. >>> ? File "<console>", line 1 ? ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>>
It opened a new window. I changed the language of that window to ‘Perl’ (from 'Normal ‘Text’) but still the qr, qx, … remains in white which is none of Perl defined color for my 'vim dark blue" theme.
Is the color defined in your Python script ? And if so, where and how ? -
Having a break right now - currently there is a lot to do at work so can’t really monitor
the community site.
First, great it looks like pythonscript has been correctly installed. I assume that
resulted in a new document, hasn’t it?
When you say you changed the doc to perl and nothing happened, does it mean you
executed the script afterwards as well or did you choose to use the automatically start?
Maybe give a short description about how you created the script, like the name and settings you chose and the workflow how it should get started.If you haven’t changed anything within the script then those lines define the color
regexes[(1, 5)] = (r'\bq[rwqx]{0,1}\b([^\h]).*?\1|(\bq[rwqx]{0,1}\b\h+(\w).*?\3)', [0]) regexes[(2, 5)] = (r'\bq[rwqx]{0,1}\b\h*(\(.+?\)|\[.+?\]|\{.+?\})', [0]) regexes[(3, (130,130,170))] = (r'(?s)((<<)"*(\w+?)"*;.*?\3)', [2]) regexes[(4, (130,130,170))] = (r'(?s)((<<)\h+"(\w+?)";.*?\3)', [2,3])
The first two, 1 and 2, would use the same color of style id 5 as defined by your used theme.
The next two, 3 and 4, explicitly define a color of (130,130,170) = rgb values.So, at least the heredoc should be painted in a violet/gray color.
Working for another ~5 hour - so will be online in about ~8 hours again.
list itemWhen I said " I changed the language of that window to ‘Perl’ ", I meant I specifically changed the language for that newly created window (the one creatd by python with “”) to Perl syntax and then entered some perl statements (namely qx, qr, qq) and the color was white.
then I executed the python script (manually, not in auto, suspecting autorun might not work) on (having the focus on) both Windows : the new one and the one with the previous Perl code I had in screen copy in one of my messages above. In both cases I could not get the color else than white.
Going to revert my theme to default one and also change the colors by hand in your code (Python) then re-execute everything.
I’ll let you know.Don’t bother too much w/ my pb, concentrate on your job. I don’t want to be a pain in the neck for you just for a small detail. It’s just that I’d like to understand why it works for you and not for me, nasty curiosity.
PS: did it, correction the color is not white but very light yellow
I commented out color code in your py script, changed to 0 0 0 RGB, NO CHANGE when I execute the script again (saved, changed thme back to default, left n++, restarted it, executed the py script manually… no change…)bit confused.
Don’t bother too much w/ my pb, concentrate on your job
:-) That’s for sure - we are allowed to surf the web as long as work related stuff is
priority 1 and we take this very seriously.bit confused.
Actually me too.
If you don’t mind - would you try to do the following.- Restart npp (Only one single instance should run)
- Click Plugins->PythonScript->Show Console
- Click Plugins->PythonScript->Scripts->NAME_OF_YOUR_SCRIPT
-> check if there is an error reported in the console, if so - stop here and post it
If no error has been written to console - Open a perl file or a new file and change the language to PERL and put some code in it
-> check if there is an error reported in the console, if so - stop here and post it
If no error has been written to console
execute the following in the console run edit box
Does it return 6 as specified in the script (
If it does, execute the following in the console run edit boxEnhanceBuiltinLexer
What does it return?
restarted NPP, only one instance: checked
python console:
Python 2.7.15 (v2.7.15:ca079a3ea3, Apr 30 2018, 16:30:26) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
Initialisation took 109ms
Ready. -
Plugins/PythonScript/Scripts-> checked. Result: NOTHING in the console, no error but no confirmation that the py script as run either, is it normal?
Opened a new window, made it Perl syntaxing.
. Did not do it. Here is the code for the colors in your script that I modified:
regexes[(1, 5)] = (r’\bq[rwqx]{0,1}\b([^\h]).?\1|(\bq[rwqx]{0,1}\b\h+(\w).?\3)', [0])
regexes[(2, 5)] = (r’\bq[rwqx]{0,1}\b\h*((.+?)|[.+?]|{.+?})', [0])
own defined color and non-default match group(s) used
regexes[(1, (0,0,0))] = (r’\bq[rwqx]{0,1}\b([^\h]).?\1|(\bq[rwqx]{0,1}\b\h+(\w).?\3)‘, [0])
regexes[(2, (0,0,0))] = (r’\bq[rwqx]{0,1}\b\h*((.+?)|[.+?]|{.+?})‘, [0])
regexes[(3, (0,0,0))] = (r’(?s)((<<)"(\w+?)";.?\3)‘, [2])
regexes[(4, (128,128,128))] = (r’(?s)((<<)\h+“(\w+?)”;.?\3)', [2,3])
, got a return of 1; executedEnhanceBuiltinLexer
, results:Python 2.7.15 (v2.7.15:ca079a3ea3, Apr 30 2018, 16:30:26) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] Initialisation took 125ms Ready. >>> editor.getLexer() 1 >>> EnhanceBuiltinLexer <class '__main__.EnhanceBuiltinLexer'>
Seems that I get the wrong return code… don’t I ?
Seems that I get the wrong return code… don’t I ?
Indeed - would you mind executing the following in the console run edit box?
no error but no confirmation that the py script as run either, is it normal?
I get 1 returned if the language is set to Normal Text.
Sorry for asking, but sure you have set the language to Perl? -
>>> editor.getLexerLanguage() 'perl'
Would it be (more) convenient for you to connect directly on my machine ? (DWservice) ?
Could it be that you have two views open, one with a perl document and one with a normal text document?
I have many documents opened in different Windows ([edited]TABS). Is this what you mean by “views” ?
No double Windows at a time like in “compare” or so.
No double Windows at a time like in “compare” or so.
Ok, then it seems we have learned that the id is not always the same.
Gimme a second to see what needs to be changed to useeditor.getLexerLanguage()
instead. -
all right, take your time.
i’ll be there late tonight.about DWservice, it’s GNU, hosted in DE I guess, not smthg like Teamviewer. But perhaps you are right, one should always be paranoiac.
I’m living in DE but have to admit, that I haven’t heard of DWservice before, shame on me :-)
line 9 toBUILTIN_LEXER = 'perl'
line 111self.lexer_name = BUILTIN_LEXER.lower()
line 219 toself.doc_is_of_interest = True if editor.getLexerLanguage().lower() == self.lexer_name else False
As python is very picky about whitespaces make sure that you either use
spaces or tabs for indentation only. Best python practice is to set
Tab size = 4 and check replace by space checkbox
(if this isn’t your default setting, of course) -
Oops, I must have made some mistakes but can’t find where… Here is the console log:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\gm\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\", line 1, in <module> import EnhancePerlLexer File "C:\Users\gm\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\", line 283, in <module> EnhanceBuiltinLexer().main() File "C:\Users\gm\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\", line 280, in main self.on_bufferactivated(None) File "C:\Users\gm\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\", line 237, in on_bufferactivated self.check_lexer() File "C:\Users\gm\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\", line 224, in check_lexer self.doc_is_of_interest = True if editor.getLexerLanguage().lower() == self.lexer_name else False AttributeError: 'EnhanceBuiltinLexer' object has no attribute 'lexer_name' Python 2.7.15 (v2.7.15:ca079a3ea3, Apr 30 2018, 16:30:26) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] Initialisation took 343ms Ready. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\gm\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\", line 73, in <module> EnhanceBuiltinLexer().main() File "C:\Users\gm\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\", line 280, in main self.on_bufferactivated(None) File "C:\Users\gm\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\", line 237, in on_bufferactivated self.check_lexer() File "C:\Users\gm\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\", line 224, in check_lexer self.doc_is_of_interest = True if editor.getLexerLanguage().lower() == self.lexer_name else False AttributeError: 'EnhanceBuiltinLexer' object has no attribute 'lexer_name'
Line numbers don’t match because I already commented out some of your lines but kept them in the file, and duplicated them with my own changes. But I did do the changes at the places you told me to do them.
check line 111 - it defines the lexer_name
OOPS, yours :== self.lexer_name, mine :== self_lexer_name, I am really a dumb when dealing with OO programming, can’t realize that ‘self’ is the current object and of course separated by a dot.
Colour has changed for q* keywords and there text (black on dark blue, can’t read but now just need to ajust the colors).
No change for here docs, but don’t know if I properly set the colors, have to check.Send you a screen copy in a few minutes.