Perl language syntax highlighting troubles (bug or limitation ?)
still confused: ([^"|^']+?) why a ‘?’ after the ‘+’ what’s for this ‘?’
as less as possible - non-greedy
and then \3 would mean the 3rd matching group (third ‘()’) but in Perl is used only in >subsitutions. What is the use here ? There are only 2 groups in the regex (two blocks >surrounded by parenthèses only.
placeholder for what was found in match group 3, to find the EOT at the end
and there are 3 match groups or am I missing something??
2 sets of parenteses only, where is the third set ?
so only 2 match groupscan you make this work :
no syntax error on the python console but absolutely no result, where is my bug ?
regexes[(3, (255,255,255))] = (r'(?s)(\s*(<<)\s*("{0,1}.+"{0,1})\s*;.*?\3)', [1])
informs the python script, that only the results from sub match group 1 should be colored in white (255,255,255)
sub match group 1 is the result of (<<)In order to make it painting all you can use [0]
I’m still confused about the 2 to 3 match groups.
Am I incorrect when saying that
are three match groups?Maybe the confusion comes from the fact that references matches within a
regular expression starts by 1 but python starts counting match results by 0.Sorry, but I have to stay up early tomorrow and it is already 1am but I’m really
interested in solving our (mis)understanding today later (maybe in ~16-18hours)? -
ok, tomorrow is another day
‘see’ you tomorrow.
have a good night.
g -
you too - see you
OK, so the
is a regex group, not a function call surrounded by parenthèses or a logical group provided by the ‘r’ keyword. My mistake.
BUT THEN, it is possible in Python to enclose an instruction such as?\3
which means (as far as I understood what you explained to me earlier) recursive reference to a regexp named ‘3’) ??? The ‘3’ name being given in the expressionregexes[(3, (255,255,255))]
is that correct ? SO you can reference an expression within itself while it has not be closed yet: the last parenthese of the expression 3 is after the \3). Is that what it means ?Python syntax is a bit complicated to me.
@Gilles-Maisonneuve said:
Python syntax is a bit complicated to me
It’s not Python syntax, it’s regular expression syntax. It’s just not Perl regular expression syntax. :)
And, BTW, nobody in the history of the world, especially someone coming from a Perl background, has ever uttered the phrase you typed.
Hello @gilles-maisonneuve, @eko-palypse and All,
Gilles, could you verify that the two lines, below, work, with yours
reen andB
lue colors ?regexes[(3, (R,G,B))] = (r'(?s-i)(<<)(['"]?)(\w+?)\2\h*;.*?\3', [1]) regexes[(4, (R,G,B))] = (r'(?s-i)(<<)\h+('|")(\w+?)\2\h*;.*?\3', [1,3])
For these two regexes :
= double inferior than sign -
= an optional single or double quote, for regex id3
= a mandatory single or double quote ,separated from the<<
characters with blank characters, for regex id4
= the shortest area of word characters, after the<<
sign, between possible quotes
and before a semicolon character;
, with possible blank characters, before and/or after the quote characters
Notes :
In regex id
, only the<<
string is highlighted ( Group1
) -
In regex id
, the<<
and the text between quotes are highlighted ( Groups1
) -
I added the
in-line modifier ( =>(?s-i)
leading syntax ) to be sure that the ending boundary of the block corresponds exactly with the text, between quotes ( search is sensitive to case ! )
So my regex
( id3
) matches any of these six cases, below :$x=<<TEXT; Plain text here TEXT $x=<<'TEXT'; Plain text here TEXT $x=<<"TEXT"; Plain text here TEXT $x=<<TEXT ; Plain text here TEXT $x=<<'TEXT' ; Plain text here TEXT $x=<<"TEXT" ; Plain text here TEXT
And my regex
( id4
) matches these4
cases, below :$x=<< 'TEXT'; Plain text here TEXT $x=<< "TEXT"; Plain text here TEXT $x=<< 'TEXT' ; Plain text here TEXT $x=<< "TEXT" ; Plain text here TEXT
Best Regards,
Hello Guy,
Could not make it work, sorry.
I mean:
added (replaced original ones) in the from Ekopalypse the following lines (according to what you gave me:
regexes[(3, (224,0,0))] = (r’(?s-i)(<<)([‘"]?)(\w+?)\2\h*;.?\3’, [1])
regexes[(4, (0,0,224))] = (r’(?s-i)(<<)\h+('|")(\w+?)\2\h;.*?\3’, [1,3]) -
saved it and restarted npp
list itemstill have the same coloring, not working.
BUT, good news:
python console: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\gm\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\", line 1, in <module> import EnhancePerlLexer File "C:\Users\gm\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\", line 36 regexes[(3, (224,0,0))] = (r'(?s-i)(<<)(['"]?)(\w+?)\2\h*;.*?\3', [1]) ^ SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal Python 2.7.15 (v2.7.15:ca079a3ea3, Apr 30 2018, 16:30:26) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] Initialisation took 110ms Ready.
Can you tell me what did I did wrong ?
(When I comment out the two lines I get back a valid coloring for the ‘q*’ syntaxes (yes, forgot to tell you, this had vanished too…) -
Well, I commented out the rule 3 and kept rule 4.
Same kind of error:regexes[(4, (0,0,224))] = (r'(?s-i)(<<)\h+('|")(\w+?)\2\h*;.*?\3', [1,3]) ^ SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal
if I modify the rule like:
regexes[(4, (0,0,224))] = (r'(?s-i)((<<)\h+([\'"])(\w+?)\2\h*;.*?\3)', [1,3])
I don’t get any longer a syntax error in Python BUT I get no coloring for the here doc either…
Any idea ?
chcp 1250 >NUL: & perl -e "$var=q(Alan Kilborn est déplaisant dans sa façon de s'exprimer mais il a raison.); for my $p ('\t','\s') {print qq{\$p=$p},$var=~m/($p)déplaisant\1/x?$var:qq{n'en déplaise},qq{\n} ;};" & chcp 850 >NUL: $p=\tn'en déplaise $p=\sAlan Kilborn est déplaisant dans sa façon de s'exprimer mais il a raison.
J’ai tellement l’habitude d’utiliser $1, $2, …, qui, eux, ne fonctionnent pas dans un simple ‘match’ mais uniquement dans un ‘substitute’, que je ne connaissais pas cette façon de répéter les ‘patterns’ de ‘matching’. J’ai appris quelque chose.
Dont acte. -
Lunch break :-)
First, I’m sorry not to telling you that the single quote has to be escaped as it was
used to denote a python string - good, you figured it already out.Let me break down the parts of that python code
regexes = OrderedDict() regexes[(3, (255,0,0))] = (r'(?s)(\s*(<<)\s*("{0,1}.+"{0,1})\s*;.*?\3)', [0])
regexes is variable, containing an OrderedDict class instance.
OrderedDict is more or less the same as a perl associative array or hashregexes[] is the python way to access a key in that hash, like in perl regexes{}
regexes[()] the round bracket denotes a python tuple, in perl a list I guess (immutable)
the python tuple contains the items 3 and (255,0,0) <- this is again a tuple
The number 3 is here to create an unique key - has nothing to do with the regex itself.
So, regexes[(3, (255,0,0))] means, get me the value for key (3, (255,0,0)) from dict(hash) regexesThe value is (r’(?s)(\s*(<<)\s*(“{0,1}.+”{0,1})\s*;.*?\3)‘, [0])
Again, a python tuple containing the items r’…’ (raw string) and a list [] (in perl an array = mutable)
Everything within the raw string is the regex to be searched for and the list contains the information
which match group should be used for coloring
[0] is always the overall match of the complete regex and [1] would be the result from group 1,
[2] from group 2 and [1,2] from group 1 and group 2So, in terms of regular expressions only the value part of the regexes hash/dict is of interest.
For searching only the raw string and for coloring which part was defined in the list [].Does this makes sense to you?
The reason why this regex
regexes[(4, (0,0,224))] = (r'(?s-i)((<<)\h+([\'"])(\w+?)\2\h*;.*?\3)', [1,3])
doesn’t do what you want is that you use 4 groups now whereas @guy038 has
removed the outer matching group brackets.(?s-i)(<<)(['"]?)(\w+?)\2\h*;.*?\3
In order to make it work either use
regexes[(4, (0,0,224))] = (r'(?s-i)(<<)\h+([\'"])(\w+?)\2\h*;.*?\3', [1,3])
regexes[(4, (0,0,224))] = (r'(?s-i)((<<)\h+([\'"])(\w+?)\3\h*;.*?\4)', [1,3])
No idea what the “chcp 1250…” posting was supposed to be saying to me. :)
This thread gets my vote for the biggest jumbled mess in the history of the community. :)
maybe @Ekopalypse will write a resuming manual, once this is over … i refuse :)
You mean a short manager summary I guess :-D
if a short manager summary is, in your eyes, a fully featured guide, covering all eventualities, based on all caveats of the whole topic … then yes 😉
LOL - back to business
Replying at the message “Lunch break…” with all the explainations.-
THANK YOU ! I start enjoying Python since I read you.
Well, I’ll never be a disciple, because not fan of OO and have difficulty to accept a language where the tabulations and spaces define the code syntax… reminds me too much of my youth with the punch cards and the punched paper roll (and yes, I’m that old), but it’s kind of fun to read when one understand it better.
Your analogies with Perl made it very comprehensible, very kind of you. -
** Y Y Y Y E E E E S S S S ! ! ! ! ! ! **
It works. I just changed a ‘+’ into a ‘*’ after the first ‘\h’ to allow for no horizontal space between the preceding keyword / Perl-separator and the here doc starter (‘<<’). So my (yours with my ridiculous pinch of salt) regexp is now:regexes[(4, (0,0,224))] = (r’(?s-i)((<<)\h*([‘"])(\w+?)\3\h*;.*?\4)’, [1,3])
Thank to you and your patience (and for the readers, pissed at my garbage, this includes you Alan, and BTW ignore my perl joke, I was upset by the tone you used and perhaps, even further by the fact that you were right [chcp needed to get the accents on the French vowels on a Windows Perl console]).
I was without-a-clue and you saved my day. And now…
Already several adventures have begun to take shape which can be solved by no-one else. Right, Eko ?
Right you are, Meta Chuh.
And so, without further ado… …I hereby declare this case… …closed.{to sum up the solution provided by Ekopalypse in this thread of discussion}:
regexes[(1, (255,0,128))] = (r'\bq[rwqx]{0,1}\b([^\h]).*?\1|(\bq[rwqx]{0,1}\b\h+(\w).*?\3)', [0]) regexes[(2, (255,0,128))] = (r'\bq[rwqx]{0,1}\b\h*(\(.+?\)|\[.+?\]|\{.+?\})', [0]) regexes[(4, (0,112,112))] = (r'(?s-i)((<<)\h*([\'"])(\w+?)\3\h*;.*?\4)', [1,3])
Allow you to colorize your Perl ‘q*’ keywords and args with color RGB 255,0,128 and your here-docs with color RGB 0,112,112 in Notepad-plus-plus, using “Python Script” plugin. By so, you correct the coloring limitation of Scintilla Library for those keywords in Perl.
Hope this summary will be satisfying enough for “Meta Chuh al.”.
Have nice week (end of) all of you.