Error build SciLexer.dll with boost
Now there is a new error:LINK : fatal error LNK1104: can not open file "libboost_regex-vc141-mt-s-x
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\
Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\bin\HostX86\x86\link.EXE" : returned
code "0x450"
I changed the command (deleted the line
C:\sources\boost_1_70_0\bjam.exe toolset=msvc link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static address-model=64 release stage
C:\sources\boost_1_70_0\bjam.exe toolset=msvc link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static release stage
There are currently two libraries.
Then the file was collected (I understand that it is for x32)
There are more questions.
Authenticode check failed: signing certificate or hash is not recognized
How exactly to sign the certificate and how to build SciLexer.dll for x64 -
Please keep in mind that I’m not really a C++ developer. I just have started investigating this language a few weeks ago. So treat my answers with skeptic.
Depending on your VS project you either build x86 or x64 binaries and depending on that configuration VS would grab the one or the other boost::regex library as long as
the libs can be found.Concerning the “Authenticode check failed” issue,
as far as I understood, a npp debug build can be created without a signed scintilla dll but release builds are checking for signed dlls.
Source is this .You either can change the code to isOK = true; or you create your own certificates.
But how creating a singend scintilla is done I haven’t investigated yet. Not sure I ever will. -
To build SciLexer.dll x64 I usedx64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017
I now have two files:
x32 SciLexer.dll ~ 1.22 mb
x64 SciLexer.dll ~ 1.73 mb
It remains to understand how to pee this “nasty” certificate)))
Does this mean you haven’t used Visual Studio 2017 to build notepad++ at all?
Did you only build scintilla dll and copied it into an existing npp installation? -
Notepad ++ was compiled from the last project of the author. Build release gives certificate error. -
@Ekopalypse The debug build works without a certificate error))
Yes, great - that is expected
@Ekopalypse The author himself will add a signature to the next build project … did I understand you correctly?
Yes, if you refer to the release build.
Debug builds will never have such a signature to allow code contributors to easily test there changes/modifications. That’s my understanding.Edit: With release build I mean the binaries delivered by either the installation or a portable zip.
My lunch break is over - I will follow up later today.
Discussio mater veritas est
@andrecool-68 or better
In vino veritas
:-D -
I found this commit and it looks like that this is the area
where one would need to hack around to create its own key but as said, I don’t really know how this certificates stuff work, yet. -
Interesting things, there is a GPG public key
But after building projects SciLexer.dll and notepad ++.exeWhen starting notepad ++.exe an error appears
Authenticode check failed: signing certificate or hash is not recognized
Where is the truth hiding?
Maybe I have some components missing in Visual Studio 2017?
{ "version": "1.0", "components": [ "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop", "", "microsoft.visualstudio.componentgroup.nativedesktop.win81", "microsoft.visualstudio.componentgroup.nativedesktop.winxp", "", "microsoft.visualstudio.component.windows10sdk.10586", "" ] }
I don’t think that you are missing something regarding the certification process.
It is expected that you cannot build a release version and use it with a non-signed scintilla dll.
Only debug builds can be used in this manner unless you change the code in the release build.The way it works, as far as I understand, is like this.
You build a release version of scintilla.
You sign the scintilla dll with your private key.
You put the public key, which is one result from signing the dll, into notepad++ and build the release version.
Now on startup, I assume, it won’t report that error.The exact details on how to do it, I haven’t figured out yet.
There are still too many open questions for me about the whole PKI thinggy. -
I did not understand where to put this key before building the project. -
In the README file, I cannot understand what exactly needs to be done with this public key.