the html codes don't work:
I do this code in notepad++ and in google chrome, it sho me the same thing
*<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>my name is jaff</title>
<h1> hi i am essa</h1>
<form action=“api.php” method=“GET”>
username:<input type=“text”>
password:<input type=“password”>
<input type=“submit”>
</html> -
@essa-gamer Need to save as *.html file
@essa-gamer said:
I do this code in notepad++ and in google chrome, it sho me the same thing
Notepad++ is a text editor. Google Chrome is a web browser. They do two very different tasks.
You can write your HTML in Notepad++ (and many do). And you can render your HTML in Chrome (or Firefox, or Edge, or Opera, or lynx) by saving the file as something.html and opening that file in the browser (with or without the intermediate step of uploading the HTML file to a webserver)
If your question is with how to type your HTML in Notepad++, you could just paste what you have, do a File > Save As , and name it
or similar.If you question is why you see the source code rather than rendered HTML in your browser, my guess is that the file isn’t named with a .html extension, so Chrome thinks it’s a plain text file and displays it as such. But that’s not a notepad++ question.
To upload the file to a webserver, you could use a Notepad++ plugin like NppFTP (you can install it from Plugins Admin in a modern Notepad++ version >= 7.6.3); or you could use your favorite *FTP client, like FileZilla; or if your server is WebDAV enabled or someplace that you can mount to your local PC, you could use windows explorer to copy the file. but that’s not a notepad++ question.
If your question is with how to make the HTML do what you want, you are asking a cookie baking question, which would be better answered in an HTML forum.
Too much guessing (by the responders) for an OP that doesn’t want to put any effort into asking their question.
@PeterJones said:
thank you very much
@Alan-Kilborn There are no guesses … 100% is not the correct file extension
@andrecool-68 said:
There are no guesses
I am quite certain that Alan was referring to my detailed answer, which covered not only the wrong file extension (which sure sounds like the probable cause), but also my other guesses as to what the OP might have meant.
Alan frequently tries to convince me to put less effort into my responses, though I’m not sure why he hasn’t given that up as a lost cause. If I’m going to bother responding at all, I have an internal compulsion to give the extra details – whether it’s acknowledging ambiguity or exploring interesting-to-me edge cases, or what have you.
There are no guesses … 100% is not the correct file extension
Even when talking about how the OP should be interpreted, I disagree, because the sentence “I do this code in notepad++ and in google chrome, it sho me the same thing” could have other interpretations than yours. In fact, it didn’t hit me that the OP was probably trying to say “I see the raw html code when I open the file in Chrome” until after I had started my reply, at which point I added in my wrong-extension.
But regardless of the interpretation, this really looks like a cookie baking question, because no matter what editor one uses, one has to name the HTML file correctly, one has to put it in a location visible to the browser, and one has to understand how to use HTML.
@PeterJones said:
Alan frequently tries to convince me to put less effort into my responses, though I’m not sure why he hasn’t given that up as a lost cause.
LOL, true, true. It seems to put the cosmos out of balance when the person that needs help puts 1% effort in, and those trying to help have to supply the other 99%. And that bugs me; maybe my annoyance with it is a “lost cause” as well.
Another thing that bugs me is that we don’t really know how this turned out. All the OP said was “thanks”. Future readers with a similar question(!) will be mystified as well. But, could we really have expected more from the OP? I’m surprised Peter got the “thanks”.
- 5 years later
@PeterJones its people like you that take a forum for learning and taint it so it becomes a thread for arguments and power struggles… can you all just stop trying so hard and just open your minds to understand, and stop belittling the minute the concept or question does not stick?
A person trying to find answers.P.s, what the question was asking you was,
WHEN WE ARE TYPING OUT OUR HTML CODES AND WE ARE SAVING THEM ACTIVELY AFTER ADDING MORE HTML AND CSS? It is not refreshing on the browser…Is that broken down for you enough? I hope so, so you stop being weird…
its people like you that take a forum for learning and taint it
I am sorry you feel that way. @essa-gamer thought my reply was enough to say “thank you”, so I’m not sure the original poster agrees with you. (Though, admittedly, it was pretty cryptic, as @Alan-Kilborn mentioned, and we don’t know which answer, specifically, was replied to with “thank you”)
I actually care so much about learning that after coming here years ago and getting one good answer to my question, I decided to hang around and answer questions; over the years, I have answered thousands of questions, most of them to the original poster’s satisfaction (based on their direct comments, and them upvoting my answer), spending large portions of my free time helping other people, because I love Notepad++ so much and want to help others learn how to use it. Over that time, a percentage of users haven’t liked the way I occasionally answer, but the same happens any time any person is trying to help others in any public forum – it’s not just me, and it’s not just here. If I didn’t care about helping other people learn, I would have been gone years ago.
Oddly enough, that’s not the only interpretation of the original question. I listed answers to multiple interpretations of the question, five years ago.
But I’m going to assume that’s your question, so I will do my best to guess at your circumstances, and try to help you learn.
If your browser has opened the local copy of the file (so it shows something like
in the URL address bar, then you just have to Refresh your browser (oftenCtrl+R
, depending on browser) after you save in Notepad++ – but that’s not a Notepad++ question, because the same would be true no matter what editor you used to edit and save the html file.If you do that, and it still doesn’t match, you need to make sure that the path listed in the browser is the same as the path that Notepad++ has open – if Notepad++ saved to a different location, the browser won’t be able to see it.
If your browser has an
in the URL address bar, then you need to upload your file from your local machine to the webserver (as per my “to upload the file to a webserver” paragraph from five years ago) before the browser will be able to see the updates.Does this help you, or are your circumstances different than I’ve guessed?