Different Windows, different line break points
Hello. I have put together a html file in Notepad++ under Windows 10, placed the line breaks in a clear and transparent fashion. When I open it in Notepad++ under Windows 7, line breaks are systematically displaced or removed, however the page looks nonetheless the same in a browser. I also noticed that regular Notepad shows the line breaks the same as Notepad++, so it looks like an OS related issue rather than application related. Is there a possiblity to lock somehow the layout of a textfile to make sure its structure is exactly the same under any circumstances or are there any other solutions I could try? (Using only Windows 10 is not an option, manually correcting the files is not an option too). Thank you in advance.
from what I understand I assume that you are using different tab settings or different end of line chars on both computers. Enable View->Show Symbol->Show all characters and see if there are changes.
Hello, thanks for the response.
This is under Windows 10, this is how I want it to look like: [https://i.imgur.com/GizPKEI.png ]
And this is the same file under Windows 7: [https://i.imgur.com/GkZpnqs.png ]
there is a different usage of tabs and spaces but this doesn’t explain the additional eols. Do you use some kind of reformatting plugins?
Can you post your debug-info? Is available under the ? menu (last menu item) -
@András-Teke How did you move the file from Windows 10 to Windows 7?
@Ekopalypse Thank you for the answer again. No, it doesn’t explain, and also doesn’t explain why some lines simply disappeared. I don’t use any plugin at all. The debug info for the Notepad++ used under the Windows 7 machine:
Notepad++ v7.5.8 (64-bit)
Build time : Jul 23 2018 - 02:06:36
Path : D:!Installed Applications\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : OFF
Local Conf mode : OFF
OS : Windows 7 (64-bit)
Plugins : DSpellCheck.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll(Well, it looks like I use plugins after all, but these seem to be built in I guess. I can’t obtain the Windows 10 machines’ debug infro until Monday, if it would be needed as well)
@dail Thank you for the question, I simply mailed them. Do you think that the mail platform might have modified the files in a way resulting in the difference I’m experiencing maybe?
@András-Teke said:
@dail Thank you for the question, I simply mailed them. Do you think that the mail platform might have modified the files in a way resulting in the difference I’m experiencing maybe?
Yes it is very possible.
@dail Thanks for this, I haven’t really thought about this before you brought it up, but seems like a logical idea. I’m going to delete temporarily the extension of the files and even pack them into an archive to make sure nothing happens to them until they reach their destination and will report back if this was the case actually. Thank you again!
Update: Not an issue with different versions of Notepad++, not an issue with different operating systems, only some unwanted modification by Outlook and/or group policies, confirmed, solved, thank you @dail