Regex: How can I change the order of the lines and the sentences after the point? (to reverse the lines or to mix them)
hello. I have a file with 400 lines. I want to change the order of the lines and the sentences after point? (to reverse the lines or to mix them). Something like this:
My mother is home. My father is at work. My sister loves hot milk. My lovely dog is here.
I go to mall. She seen Jupiter. I read a book. I drove all night.
My desire output should be (but for 400 lines and sentences):
My lovely dog is here. My father is at work. My mother is home. My sister loves hot milk.
I drove all night. She seen Jupiter. I go to mall. I read a book.
please consider “point” as “dot”
Hello @vasile-caraus and All,
I would say :
Or, if you’re ready to use the sub-routine call syntax
, you can modify the search regex as below. The replacement regex is unchanged !SEARCH
Notes :
syntax does not represent what the^(.+?\.)
part matches but, indeed, the true regex.+?\.
, located between the first block of parentheses ! -
It’s important to point out that the
syntax is not a group, by itself. So the subsequent(?1)
syntaxes must be embedded, between a couple of parentheses, in order to define groups2
Best Regards,
- 11 days later
hello Guy, If I have a longer text, such as below, it doesn’t work :) Must change regex on
Personalitatea regizorului și a scenografului, preocuparile și obligațiile fiecaruia sunt puse in discuție, incercandu-se eludarea dogmatismului maniheist (realism-formalism) din stagiunile anterioare. Peste doi ani, in vara lui 1958, dupa decesul lui Camil Petrescu, tot directivele politicii de partid vor duce la modificarea colegiului și inlocuirea redactorului-șef. Se fac epurari in echipa redacționala, iar unii (Ștefan Augustin Doinaș, Ion D. Sarbu) sunt arestați. Dudu Petrescu joaca fotbal la Dinamo de cand s-a nascut mama lui Rodica.
Why would you expect it to work? Your new text has a different kind of pattern to it.
It would have been a good idea to show the desired AFTER text for the new text, too.
I have an alternativ answer, but must be improved:
I have an alternativ answer, but must be improved:
$3 $1 $4 $2