Open .csv files don't work at first / change default selections
I’m having trouble to opening filename.csv files with Notepad ++
No problems if the files are opened with the explorer, by finding the file / right click / select open with Notepad ++.
But if I use (freely translated from Swedish) File / Open and “select a CSV-file” a question arises “can’t open… Do you want to create a new file?”
(In the window to the right of the selection of file name it stands Normal text file (.txt))
But I can see all CSV-files files…
If I make the selection All types It works. If I then make the selection Normal text file (.txt) again I only see filename.txt…
This feels like a program bug - only in my version?
( I have Win10, Notepad++ 7.7.1 64-bit Swedish )
Is it possible to change the default selection to “all files” or better, only “.csv .skv .txt” files? -
could it be that npp and the explorer are started with different elevation levels?
“different elevation levels” What does it mean?
It means that maybe your Explorer is open with administrator privilege and your Notepad++ is not.
But, I’m not convinced that that is what the problem is. But we will see…
Thank you for your response. Don’t know what happened, but now it seems to be working.
(made a choice between different file types …)
Then I chose (All types *. *) Now it seems to work…In the beginning when opening a file, the file type was “Normal text file (* .txt)”, but also .csv files were displayed … (that’s when I got an error when opening the file …)
Is it possible to change which file types are displayed in Notepad ++?
(eg. not only *.txt files but also *.csv and *.skv files) -
@Jan-Öhman said:
that’s when I got an error when opening the file …
It’s really doubtful that the filter settings had anything to do with the error you received.
Is it possible to change which file types are displayed in Notepad ++?..not only *.txt files but also *.csv and *.skv files
Probably not easy to get just those 3 types filtered.