Serch for "numbers"?
I have a long txt file with filnames.
I need to search for files which names are fx.
summer3.2019.21.11What do I need to use instead of ‘?’ ,so I can search for summer?.2019 and get every filename, when they have a different number somewhere in the name…
How about
? -
@Alan-Kilborn does not work… :-(
did you check regular expression in find dialog?
@Ekopalypse yes…
then either your real data must look different to the one you posted
or your cursor is at a position which doesn’t have such filenames afterwards.Note, in regex there is a hugh difference between summer1… and summer11…
@Ekopalypse Sorry, it work with summer etc… but my files name are HH2009D.2019 or. HH2001D.2019 - so I need the “wildcard” \d\ before the letter d… can that be an issue??
Yes, of course, Alans regex can be described as
search for summer
followed by one digit (\d)
followed by a literal dot (\.)
followed by 2019which doesn’t find
followed by digits (all of them or only the last one?)
followed by D
followed by a literal dot (\.)
followed by 2019 -
@Ekopalypse I can see if I use HH200\DD\.2019 it works… :-) Thank you…
are different.
is a digit
is not a digitMore about regex and its syntax can be seen here.
What the heck!