how to show line in hex
how do I show a ansi line in hex?
There isn’t a builtin way to do that. There may be a plugin, though I don’t know which one off the top of my head. EDIT: wait, if you have 32-bit Notepad++, you can use TextFX, which had that feature builtin.
However, my Jun 12 post in another thread shows a script that you can run with the PythonScript plugin in order to show the hex value of the active character.
Or there are plenty of command-line utilities you can download from the internet, which you could run on the current file by doing Run > Run…
cmd /c c:\path\to\util.exe "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" & pause
, or from inside one of the automation plugins like NppExec, you could actually capture the output of the script and paste it overtop of the active document contents. It would have a similar logic to the following NppExec script, but calling a different executable:cls cmd.exe /c exit %RANDOM% // cannot access $(SYS.RANDOM) directly through NppExec, but can tell cmd.exe to return it as a value set tempfile = $(SYS.TEMP)\NppGpgFile_$(EXITCODE).tmp // create random tempfile name set ascfile = $(SYS.TEMP)\NppGpgFile_$(EXITCODE).asc // create associated ascfile name sci_sendmsg SCI_SELECTALL // select all sel_saveto $(ascfile) :a // save selection to the ascfile (use :a to save as ansi, to prevent unicode prefix ÿþ getting embedded) gpg.exe --output "$(tempfile)" --decrypt "$(ascfile)" // decrypt sel_loadfrom $(tempfile) // replace selection with results sci_sendmsg SCI_DOCUMENTSTART // deselect rm -rf "$(tempfile)" "$(ascfile)" // cleanup temp files npp_save
@Tim-Roach Maybe I didn’t understand everything … maybe like this:
Oh, right, I forgot that the Converter plugin came with the ASCII->HEX command. Since Plugins > Converter comes by default with Notepad++, that’s definitely the best solution.