Function List Javascript working with both EC6 'class' Syntax and prototype syntax
Hi! I’m using notepad++ from many years, and I’ve never managed to make function list working with objects an JavaScipt. I’ve combined some code I’ve found around the web and I managed to make it works with both EC6 ‘class’ Syntax and prototype syntax. Of course, It’s not perfect, but I wanted to share this with you.
Have fun !!<parser displayName="JavaScript" id ="javascript_function" commentExpr="(?s:/\*.*?\*/)|(?m-s://.*?$)" > <!-- <classRange>, ES6 "class" Syntax inspired of typescript : --> <classRange mainExpr="^\s*(export\s+)?(class|interface)\s+\w+\s*((extends|implements)\s+(\w|\s|,|\.|[^{])*)?\{" openSymbole = "\{" closeSymbole = "\}" displayMode="node"> <className> <nameExpr expr="(export\s+)?(class|interface)\s+\w+"/> <nameExpr expr="(class|interface)\s+\w+"/> <nameExpr expr="\s+\w+"/> <nameExpr expr="\w+"/> </className> <!-- Indent only support tab/2space/4space!!! --> <!-- tab/2space is best choice! --> <!-- regexp: ^(\t|[ ]{2,4}) --> <function mainExpr="(^(\t|[ ]{2,4})((static)\s+)+\w+\s*(\(|\=|:|\?))|(^(\t|[ ]{2,4})\w+\s*(\(|:|\=|\?))"> <functionName> <funcNameExpr expr="(^(\t|[ ]{2,4})((static)\s+)+\w+\s*(\(|\=|:|\?))|(\w+\s*(\(|:|\=|\?))"/> <funcNameExpr expr="(\s+\w+\s*(\(|\=|:|\?))|(\w+\s*(\(|:|\=|\?))"/> <funcNameExpr expr="(\s+\w+\s*(\(|\=|:|\?))|(\w+)"/> <funcNameExpr expr="(\s+\w+)|(\w+)"/> <funcNameExpr expr="\w+"/> </functionName> </function> </classRange> <!-- <classRange>, "prototype" syntax imported from : --> <classRange mainExpr="^[\t ]*([_A-Za-z]?[\w_]*)(\.prototype)+[\s]+(=)+[\s]*\{" openSymbole = "\{" closeSymbole = "\}" displayMode="node" > <className> <nameExpr expr="[_A-Za-z]+[\w_]*"/> </className> <function mainExpr="^[\t ]*([_A-Za-z]?[\w_])+[\s]*+:+[\s]*+function+[\s]*\("> <functionName> <funcNameExpr expr="^[\t ]*([_A-Za-z]?[\w_]*)"/> </functionName> </function> </classRange> <!-- Orgiginal notepad++ functionlist --> <function mainExpr="((^|\s+|[;\}\.])([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\.)*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\s*[=:]|^|[\s;\}]+)\s*function(\s+[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*)?\s*\([^\)\(]*\)[\n\s]*\{" > <functionName> <nameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\s*[=:]|[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\s*\(" /> <nameExpr expr="[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*" /> </functionName> <className> <nameExpr expr="([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\.)*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\." /> <nameExpr expr="([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\.)*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*" /> </className> </function> </parser>
- The RegEx
(\t|[ ]{2,4})
tries to match a tab, 2 spaces, 3 spaces (!) or 4 spaces.
To only support “tab/2space/4space” you have to write the RegEx as(\t|\x20{2}|\x20{4})
(allthough not necessary replaced[ ]
). - A
nodes can only contain ONE<classRange>
-node. - In
makes the\n
superfluous as\n
is included in\s
- The RegEx
Thanks for your code, it helped me to finally get the function list working for Javascript classes.
As a reference for others who find this topic, I got the code to work by following this page of the manual. It referenced this page, which mentions that the file structure for use with Notepad++ v7.9.1 and later should be like this:
<NotepadPlus><functionList> [your parser code goes here] </functionList></NotepadPlus>
I don’t know about the points mentioned by MAPJe71 but it works for me. :-)