How to open specific files in different folder where root folder might be varied. Open File in Solution is my temporary solution.
Notepad++ is decent for my paper working.
I’d like to find a way for open specific files at the same time like the example below.Resource files are customized and organized in locale folders.
I Need to open different files having same name in different locale folders.Eg:
Open “FormString.xml” file in ENG, CHT, CHS folders.
PS: File name would be varied. It will not always be “FormString.xml”.
–project folder
–PopupString.xmlSo far I found “Open File in Solution” is near to my goal.
However I need to switch project locations frequently in SolutionHub is a bit pain in the neck.The steps below is in a bit of a hassle.
- Open SolutionHub and change the folder
- Select the folder in folder dialog. ( Note you can’t pase path, need to clicking all the ways down. )
- Save connections.
Is there a way to dynamically change Solution hub ofis connection folder location for searching?
Or any other solution is appreciated. -
Sorry, I know nothing about Solution Hub (hadn’t even heard of that plugin until just now).
If I’ve understood what you want, you may want to look into sessions, which are “a set of files opened in Notepad++”: Save Session and Load Session functionality is built into Notepad++'s File menu. I have heard from others that if you have more than a couple sessions that you want to deal with, the Session Manager plugin (installable through the Plugins > Plugins Admin) is useful.
As far as I know save sessions only save in absolute path and cannot fulfill my need above.Sorry for not describiing my question clearly.
I want to open following files at the same time
C:\solution1\CHS\File.xmlWhere “C:\solution1” could be “D:\solution2” and “File.xml” could be “Another.xml”
ENG CHT and CHS folder are fixed in relative location.
Both root path and file name could be varied and I can’t predict those names. -
It sounds to me like a scripting plugin is needed to solve this problem.
Hello, @louis-go, @Peterjones, @alan-kilborn and All,
Why not a very simple batch file, like below, with the comments inside ?
@echo off if NOT %2!==! goto Proc echo. echo. echo Syntax ( 2 PARAMETERS ) : echo. echo. echo Test.bat (FIRST part of the PATH) (File_NAME) echo. echo. echo. echo Open in NOTEPAD++, the 3 FILES in PARAMETER 2, present UNDER the folders echo. echo 'ENG', 'CHS' and 'CHT', which are located UNDER the path in PARAMETER 1 echo. echo. echo. echo REMARK : If any PARAMETER contains SPACE chars, SURROUND it with 2 "" chars echo. echo. goto :EOF :Proc REM "<Installation PATH>\notepad++.exe" -nosession %1\ENG\\%2 %1\CHT\\%2 %1\CHS\\%2
Delete, at the end, the command
and replace the part<Installation PATH>
with your full pathname to Notepad++.exe -
Save the modifications
Enjoy !
Best Regards,
guy038 Thanks!
It’s the simplest solution. I was digging in the wrong direction too deep. -
This is my right click on a file solution.
It comes up with @guy038 's suggestion.
If anyone need to use it.- Change the reg file location to where you put batch file.
- Change the batch file XXNotePadPPPath to your actual notepad++ path.
- Right click on any file will do the work.
setlocal FOR %%i IN (%1) DO ( echo filedrive=%%~di echo set filepath=%%~pi echo filename=%%~ni echo fileextension=%%~xi set XXFilePath=%%~di%%~pi set XXFilename=%%~ni%%~xi ) set XXRootPath=%XXFilePath%..\\.. set XXEngPath=%XXRootPath%\\Common\\String_CncEngs\\%XXFilename% set XXChtPath=%XXRootPath%\\CHT\\String_CncEngs\\%XXFilename% set XXChsPath=%XXRootPath%\\CHS\\String_CncEngs\\%XXFilename% "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" -nosession %XXEngPath% %XXChtPath% %XXChsPath% endlocal
While using a reg setting. This is tested and run on win10.
Registry file
setlocal set XXNotePadPPPath="C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" FOR %%i IN (%1) DO ( echo filedrive=%%~di echo set filepath=%%~pi echo filename=%%~ni echo fileextension=%%~xi set XXFilePath=%%~di%%~pi set XXFilename=%%~ni%%~xi ) set XXRootPath=%XXFilePath%..\\.. set XXEngPath=%XXRootPath%\\Common\\String_CncEngs\\%XXFilename% set XXChtPath=%XXRootPath%\\CHT\\String_CncEngs\\%XXFilename% set XXChsPath=%XXRootPath%\\CHS\\String_CncEngs\\%XXFilename% %XXNotePadppPath% -nosession %XXEngPath% %XXChtPath% %XXChsPath% endlocal
@Alan-Kilborn said in How to open specific files in different folder where root folder might be varied. Open File in Solution is my temporary solution.:
It sounds to me like a scripting plugin is needed to solve this problem.
Batch file scripting. The plugin-less scripting! :-)