Remove duplicate lines not possible?
I have many identical lines / duplicates in a txt file I want to remove. I tried to do it with this option in “Line Operations” but the duplicate lines are not removed:
Images need to be inserted like this

@Cletos said in Remove duplicate lines not possible?:
I tried to do it with this option in “Line Operations” but the duplicate lines are not removed
Click HERE.
Are the duplicates you are intending to remove on adjacent lines, or are they spread throughout the file in different places?
Really probably best for you to show some data.
Images need to be inserted like this
Thank you!
[QUOTE]Are the duplicates you are intending to remove on adjacent lines, or are they spread throughout the file in different places?[/QUOTE]
They are spread, not adjacent. Might that be the issue?Thank you for the link.
[QUOTE]Really probably best for you to show some data.[/QUOTE]
Here an excerption. These lines are in a single document and many more:-5ACEvl6GUewBvGL5g9ODQuVRQH5-QMh_1-QKKwuVHE.rar
-Original Funk Soul Sister - The Best Of Ann
-x4gnCvNCIsAWfQu5otO7AOWuI3kBLmDJ2tIruxjJGQ.rarhere between are thousands of such lines. These lines below are duplicates but they are not removed:
-lG2INJS9kD-i4FvVMhKP1VEXGq1rfvwCtqA5ibLhqI.rar -
@Cletos said in Remove duplicate lines not possible?:
They are spread, not adjacent. Might that be the issue?
Well, it’s the issue if you are attempting to remove duplicates with a command called “Remove Consecutive Duplicate Lines”.
It means that text like this:
aaa aaa bbb bbb bbb ccc ccc ddd
will be transformed to:
aaa bbb ccc ddd
but text like this:
aaa bbb ccc aaa bbb ccc ddd
will remain unaltered.
So how could I remove spread duplicate lines?
And what sense does “Remove Consecutive Duplicate Lines” have?
@Cletos said in Remove duplicate lines not possible?:
So how could I remove spread duplicate lines?
It is a tough problem to solve with Notepad++ alone…sometimes the techniques to do it work, sometimes they don’t. It is data-dependent.
And what sense does “Remove Consecutive Duplicate Lines” have?
Well, if you don’t mind sorting your data as a first-step, the duplicates will get grouped together and then you can use that command to, well, remove consecutive duplicate lines. But sometimes data loses some of its meaning if you sort it, so this technique is not always applicable.
@Alan-Kilborn said in Remove duplicate lines not possible?:
It is a tough problem to solve with Notepad++ alone
There once was such option to remove spread duplicates, if I remember it right.
sometimes the techniques to do it work, sometimes they don’t. It is data-dependent
Yes, I understand. But why replace an option doing both (spread and following lines) with one doing only one of them.
So it is not possible with Notepad at the moment.
Many thanks!
@Cletos said in Remove duplicate lines not possible?:
There once was such option to remove spread duplicates, if I remember it right.
No, only a way to do it via regular expressions discussed here on the Community – that’s probably what you remember.
So it is not possible with Notepad++ at the moment.
Well, you can try it with the regular expression technique; search the Community site and you’ll rediscover the links with instructions.
Alright, thank you very much!
Hi, @cletos, @alan-kilborn and All,
Alan, as you know, I’ve certainly answered this question, many times ! But, I’m a bit lazy and, instead of finding the different links, for the OP, I prefer to “re-invent the wheel” ;-))
So @cletos, here is the magic regular expression S/R, which deletes all duplicates lines, without changing the order of the lines
Tick the
Match case
option, if you prefer a case detection -
Tick the
Wrap around
option, preferably -
Select the
Regular expression
search mode -
Click on the
Replace All
button ( or use the “step by step”Replace
button to verify how the regex works ! )
Remark :
Let’s suppose that your initial text is :
aaa bbb ccc ddd bbb bbb eee fff bbb ggg bbb hhh iii
Then this regex S/R will delete :
- The
line between linesaaa
- The
line between linesddd
- The
line between linesbbb
- The
line between linesfff
And keeps, only the line
, located between linesggg
So, to sum up, this regex S/R keep all the last duplicate lines found, in the input text !
So your final text becomes :
aaa ccc ddd eee fff ggg bbb hhh iii
I cannot get an other layout, with a correct regex S/R ! ( For instance, keeping the line
between linesaaa
and deleting all subsequentbbb
lines ) Sorry for this limitation !
The last line of your list must always be followed with a line-break
Be aware that the behaviour of this regex S/R is rather weird ! It works nice with small or middle-size text to process. But :
If your file has a big size, over
10 Mb
about, even not concerned with duplicates lines, OR -
duplicate lines are separated with, let’s say, more than10,000
It may happen that this S/R is completely wrong, with an extra occurrence, matching all the file contents :-(( It mainly depends on our Boost regex engine and, probably, on the amount of your system memory !
As always, give it a try, with your real files, to see how this regex S/R acts !?
Two possible solutions, if any problem occurs :
Use, the
button repeatedly ( or theAlt + R
shortcut ) and stop when a particular replacement wipe out, wrongly, all file contents ! -
Split your text in smaller parts, processing this regex S/R on each part, first. Then, merge all the pieces and process, again, the regex S/R on the whole set !
Best Regards,
Hello guy038,
Thank you very much!
I cannot get an other layout, with a correct regex S/R ! ( For instance, keeping the line bbb between lines aaa and ccc and deleting all subsequent bbb lines ) Sorry for this limitation !
No, no, it works great!The last line of your list must always be followed with a line-break
So one has to just press ENTER at the end of that last line in the txt file.
If your file has a big size, over 10 Mb about, even not concerned with duplicates lines, OR
So I could try splitting the processing on the first half of the txt file and the last half or even smaller and hope there are many lines removed and the file gets smaller.
Be aware that the behaviour of this regex S/R is rather weird ! It works nice with small or middle-size text to process. But :
Works great after some testing.
Two possible solutions, if any problem occurs :
Use, the Replace button repeatedly ( or the Alt + R shortcut ) and stop when a particular replacement wipe out, wrongly, all file contents ! Split your text in smaller parts, processing this regex S/R on each part, first. Then, merge all the pieces and process, again, the regex S/R on the whole set !
I will try it like that.
Thank you very much, again!
@guy038 said in Remove duplicate lines not possible?:
I cannot get an other layout, with a correct regex S/R ! ( For instance, keeping the line bbb between lines aaa and ccc and deleting all subsequent bbb lines ) Sorry for this limitation !
Hi guy038, Cletos, All:
Not a regex solution, but if you reverse the list —for example, by means of the Reverse Lines plugin— and run the nice regex you provided, you will get the first “bbb” with all duplicates being deleted. Once you are finished, reverse the list again to get the original order of lines.
Hope you find this, my first post here, useful.
Best Regards.
Hello Sofistanpp,
OK, sounds very good! Many thanks!
@Cletos Glad to be of help.
Maybe explain how reversing the lines helps?
@Alan-Kilborn Sure. It looks to overcome a limitation pointed out by guy038, who wrote that the regex he posted remove all the duplicates except the last one, but it seems that he wanted to keep the first one. So if you reverse the order of lines and run the regex, you will remove, of course, all the instances except the last duplicate — now reverse the list back to the original order and you would have actually kept the first instance of the line —the “bbb” between “aaa” and “ccc” of the example.
Hope it is clear now (English is not my first language).
Best Regards.
Ah, okay, I missed the point about wanting to keep the first rather than the last. Thanks for the clarification.
Hi, @cletos, @sofistanpp, @alan-kilborn and All,
@sofistanpp, I didn’t want to privilege any solution but, indeed, it’s good to be able to chose, with your clever idea of using the
Reverse Lines
plugin, between these two solutions :-
Keep the first duplicate line and delete all subsequent duplicate lines
Delete any duplicate but just keep the last duplicate line
Now, thinking about it, I found out a solution which can be processed within N++ only, preventing from using any external tool
If we go back to my previous example, open the Column editor (
Edit > Column Editor...
) and, moving the caret to the first column of the first line of your text, create a new number’s list ( Don’t forget to tick theLeading zeros
option ! )Then after adding
or several blank character(s), after each number, with the column mode selection, you should get :01 aaa 02 bbb 03 ccc 04 ddd 05 bbb 06 bbb 07 eee 08 fff 09 bbb 10 ggg 11 bbb 12 hhh 13 iii
Now, sort the lines with the option
Edit > Line Operations > Sort Lines Lexicographically Descending
, giving :13 iii 12 hhh 11 bbb 10 ggg 09 bbb 08 fff 07 eee 06 bbb 05 bbb 04 ddd 03 ccc 02 bbb 01 aaa
Finally, after running this new version of my previous regex S/R :
You’re left with :
13 iii 12 hhh 10 ggg 08 fff 07 eee 04 ddd 03 ccc 02 bbb 01 aaa
Finally, after the second sort
Edit > Line Operations > Sort Lines Lexicographically Ascending
, in the reverse order, we have the following output text :01 aaa 02 bbb 03 ccc 04 ddd 07 eee 08 fff 10 ggg 12 hhh 13 iii
As expected, it remains the duplicate
line between linesaaa
only ;-))Best Regards,
Hi guy038, All:
Well done. I’m glad my post somehow inspired you to develop a more comprehensive solution to the current issue. As I learned reading archived posts, ancillary lists are a frequently used resource of your toolbox.
On my side, reversing lines wasn’t my first thought. What would happen, I asked myself, if I run that regex in backward direction from the last line? Would I get, by symmetry, the first “bbb”? Enabled the Backward direction button via an AutoHotkey script and clicked on Replace All, but no joy. You will get exactly the same outcome as if you run the regex in normal direction.
I suspect that lookarounds are the culprits (simpler regexes do the expected job), but haven’t thoroughly tested it.
Maybe you or someone else can elaborate on this issue.
Best Regards.