language select on notepad launch
I would like notepad automatically select user defined language based on the first line content.
I have been trying to practice using command like this shown below but did not work. I think there is more to it than i thought.
const char * lan = “xml”;
::SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, SCI_SETLEXERLANGUAGE, 0, (LPARAM)lan);Thanks
In the end after playing with the code I have understood that it is not possible to write such plugin. My biggest bet was to change language at a plugin initialization stage but the command (I have used a different command to the one listed above) gets ignored or overwritten.
It is a bit pity that I cant do it as I work with old UNIX style files where the files do not include extensions and the extension definition is within a file. That is making to look at different editor despite I like notepad++.
It seems like you might be able to do this with one of the scripting plugins.
You could (write and) install some logic that would fire upon opening a file. The logic could look at the first line and then select a different “language” based upon what is found in the first line’s contents…
I tried playing with it some in PythonScript and my Perl library: it appears there may be a bug in the SCI_SETLEXERLANGUAGE string-based message, because it isn’t affecting the language chosen. There’s the SCI_SETLEXER int-based message which does work languages, but that cannot set a specific UDL.
You could navigate the Languages menu, and look for the dynamically-allocated menuCmdID for your UDL.
In general I would say using a notepad message ensures more or less
that the UI gets updated as well where as scintilla messages flying under the radar of npp.@lubysj
in your case I would say act on notepads bufferactivated notification,
get the first line of the document and send either a menucommand,
in case of udls or use NPPM_SETCURRENTLANGTYPE in case of builtin languages.Example how something might look like:
from Npp import notepad, NOTIFICATION, editor, LANGTYPE def callback_BUFFERACTIVATED(args): x = editor.getLine(0) if x.startswith('// c++'): notepad.setLangType(LANGTYPE.CPP) elif x.startswith('# npp3'): notepad.runMenuCommand('Language', 'NPP3') else: notepad.setLangType(LANGTYPE.PYTHON) notepad.callback(callback_BUFFERACTIVATED, [NOTIFICATION.BUFFERACTIVATED])
Thanks to all. Buffer activated message did the trick. I do not work with Python, though always wanted to learn. For those who want code in c is below. It is quite good that it allows to catch other notepad messages, so plugin can play more part rather than being passive and reacting to user menu commands.
xtern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void beNotified(SCNotification *notifyCode) { switch (notifyCode->nmhdr.code) { case NPPN_BUFFERACTIVATED: { ::SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, NPPM_MENUCOMMAND, 0, IDM_LANG_XML); } break; default: return; } }
Going back to UDLs… I was able to execute normal menu commands including for changing build in languages. However, I wasn’t able to change to a user defined language.
@Ekopalypse are you able to open phyton library to check how does runcommand translates into c call?
Pythonscript plugin is on github and here the part you are interested in.
@Ekopalypse , thanks. I will need to dig a bit to get a around.