File too big for notepad++
I was trying to open a 600mb txt file, but I only get greeted by a warning that the file is too big for notepad++. I’ve read that notepad++ is capable of handling 2gb files, why can’t it open my substantually smaller file?
@Amsja-Mull said in File too big for notepad++:
why can’t it open my substantually smaller file
Are you loading other plugins? It’s the total environment surrounding NPP that matters. Yes larger files can be opened in some circumstances, but it varies greatly based on each individual system. RAM 32bit vs 64bit OS/NPP, plugins, ability to undo edits. All these are taken into account.
@Amsja-Mull said in File too big for notepad++:
I’ve read that notepad++ is capable of handling 2gb
Additional information can be found in some old posts:
notes that having a file type of.txt
is likely to allow a larger file to be opened than other file types which are associated with “lexers”.
where it is noted that scintilla (upon which Notepad++ is built) has a hard limit of 2GB. Maybe this is what you thought would allow your 600MB file to work.However this is more a “theoretical” number that can NEVER be surpassed. However as I stated before the environment Notepad++ is running in and even the file type have a lot to play in how successful you will be in loading such a file.
Good luck