Exit NP++ (tab) from cmdline (even there is unsaved, changed content)?
Is it possible to exit Notepad++ from command line?
How can I enforce from command line an Exit even there is an unsaved content?
When I exit via GUI always a popup appears asking me if I really want to exit anyway without saving.
A cmdline exit should ignore this prompt and always sasume automatically YESAdvanced related question:
Is it possible to cmdline exit only a certain Notepad++ tab with e.g. the tab label “foobar,txt”?Claudia
@Claudia-Svenson said in Exit NP++ (tab) from cmdline (even there is unsaved, changed content)?:
How can I enforce from command line an Exit…?
Maybe I’m missing something, but how can you exit a running Notepad++ by issuing a command line?
Or maybe that is the question, disregarding saved/unsaved content for now?
In detail there are four questions:
1.) How to exit NP++ from cmdline
2.) How to exit NP++ from cmdline disregarding possibly unsaved content
3.) How to close only tab “foobar.txt” in NP++ from cmdline
4.) How to close only tab “foobar.txt” in NP++ from cmdline disregarding possibly unsaved content -
https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/8484 << bug for close.