SendKeys command does not run the macro using "objShell.SendKeys ("^+8"")
HI Team,
I have written a VB macro to call few macro in Note pad++ using shortcut keys but from yesterday (14/10/2020) this sends key command does not run the macro using “objShell.SendKeys (”^+8"") please help … i am using Notepad++v7.8.9
Thanks and regards
suvenduDim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”)
objShell.Run “notepad++.exe ““C:\Swisscom\X-Sites\Node_fileT.xml”””, 1, False
'WScript.Sleep (10)
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue(“0:00:02”))objShell.SendKeys (“^+8”)
and this worked previously?? What did change?