Replace characters from certain lines
I want to replace > with >}} from the end of my img tags.
<img src="/images/example-image.png" alt="Example Image" width="244" height="110">
{{< img src="/images/example-image.png" alt="Example Image" width="244" height="110" >}}
I want to change this on all pages of my website at once.
Is it possible? If so, how?
I already know how to change <img to {{< img. That’s the easy part.
Thank you.
But how do I get the space between {{< and img and between height=“” and >}}?
Like in the example below:
{{< img src="/images/example-image.png" alt="Example Image" width="244" height="110" >}}
I don’t know if you know how Hugo (static site generator) works, but for Hugo shortcodes, I need space between {{< and img and between height=“” and >}}.
Can you please tell me how to do that?