Weird issues with multiple C# plugin projects, debugging goes to different project
The past few weeks I’ve created three different C# plugin projects for testing and trying things out. But now I encounter a weird problem when debugging the newest project.
I’ve installed the template in .\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#\ and then create a new project based on that template.
Btw an aside note; in the Visual Studio create new project window, using the text search I can’t find a “notepad” or “NPP” template. Only when I clear all three filters (All Languages, All Platforms, All Project Types) only then the template shows at the bottom of the list.
But anyway when I debug the Main.cs of my most recent project, Visual Studio somehow goes to the
of my very first project, and that other project wasn’t even opened in Visual Studio. I suspect that maybe it has to do with this line inAssemblyInfo.cs
// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM [assembly: Guid("31492674-6fe0-485c-91f0-2e17244588ff")]
Am I correct in assuming this needs to be changed to a random unique Guid for every new project? If so, is it possible to automate this from the template somehow?
Still, after I change the Guid the problem still occurs. It might also be a Namespace related issue, because the
uses the namespaceKbg.NppPluginNET
from the template, but the default namespace (Project Properties -> Application -> Default namespaces) is set to the project name.Any ideas on how to solve this debugging issue?
(why can’t I edit my post after three minutes?) Anyway I forgot to mention that when debugging the
Stack Frame
dropdownlist also shows this other project:CSVLint.dll!Kgb.NppPluginNET.Main.CommandMenuInit() Line 39 CSVLint.dll!Kgb.NppPluginNET.Main.UnmanagedExports.setInfo(Kgb.NppPluginNET.PluginInfrastructure.NppData notepadPlusData line 21)
The mentioned GUID is relevant for projects that create COM objects.
In this case it MUST have a unique ID, but as far as I understand the C# template, this is not something that is exported by default.
Namespaces must be unique per project and are basically the upper hierarchy of classes used.The part that I suspect is the problem, please keep in mind. that I am not a C# developer, is the assembly manifests .
My understanding is that these define how the assembly is loaded into the Global Assembly Cache . -
@Bas-de-Reuver said in Weird issues with multiple C# plugin projects, debugging goes to different project:
why can’t I edit my post after three minutes?
Because those are the rules here.