File changed status not visible in Folder as Workspace view
The Folder as Workspace view is fantastic except for the fact that the file changed status is not visible like it is in the Doc Switcher by the icon color. This makes for some frustrating moments when trying to figure out why my command line build doesn’t recognize I’ve made changes to files; come to find out it’s because I forgot to save the file which wasn’t obvious from the Folder as Workspace view.
Can the file changed status be added to the Folder as Workspace view?
For how to make a feature request, see HERE
The tab bar icon for each edited tab will show either a red disk icon for unsaved and blue disk icon for saved; or, with Settings > Preferences > General > Tab Bar > Alternate Icons checked, it will show a pencil for unsaved or checkmark for saved. Either way, the information is already available at-a-glance with the current implementation.
Given that the Folder As Workspace might take up more than one screen, with the edited file scrolled out of view anyway, and that any edited-but-unsaved file will still have a tab in the tabbar, I think the tabbar indicator would be more obvious / noticeable than one in FaW panel. But “obvious / noticeable” is in the eye of the beholder.
If that’s not sufficient, feel free to make a feature request as Alan linked, but understand that not all features requested are ever implemented, and if they are, it might be a while.