Find/Search window not dockable anymore?
Hi there,
the N++ documentation states: »The Search results window by default appears docked at the bottom of the Notepad++ main window. Like other such windows, it can be moved or even be a free-floating window.«
However, I am not able to dock it.
I read this post:, I am not able to dock the find/search result window, even with a new portable N++. I am able to dock and undock all the other panels like Document List, Clipboard History, Document Map or Function List.
It is very annoying to have it floating, as it overlaps the search results and having it semi-transparent only makes it harder to read stuff in the window.
Tested with versions 7.9.5 portable and 8 installed.
It works for me: I can drag it from separate window down to the bottom and have it dock, then drag it back to undock:
That was a fresh v7.9.5-64bit portable.
Not shown, but I can make it dock to any of the four edges, not just the bottom.
I have the same experience in my v8.1-64bit normal version.
Okay, I did not know this dialog window was there. I meant the window opened with Ctrl+F. That is probably not dockable then? (Like the incremental search…)
The Search Results window is the window that was talked about in the discussion you linked to, so I assumed you were talking about that window, too.
The Find window has never been dockable. Sorry.
Yes, I mixed things up and had a wrong expectation therefore. Still thanks for your help.
Search window is dockable on all 4 edges, top, bottom, left and right.
To dock on any one of these edge, select the search window title bar with mouse click, then concentrate on the cursor arrow head (ignore the rectangle window as it moves) when you cursor arrow has hit correct edge then release the mouse button. This procedure allows one to dock the window on any one of the four edges. -
Search window is dockable
- There is no window called Search, and thus it is not dockable.
- The Search Results window is dockable.
- The Find window (which many users call the Search window, because that’s what menu it was found in) is not dockable. (This is one tab of the the same window that also provides Replace, Find in Files, Find in Projects, and Mark)
All of the core information from those points was already made two years ago. Thus, at best (assuming you meant Search Results), you were just repeating information that was already given, but in a confusing way; at worst (assuming you meant the Find family of windows), you were providing false information.
The easiest way is to rename to config folder name located below to for example “Notepad++2” to force Notepad++ to reconfigure itself to its default settings.
-Close notepad++
-Rename this:
For this:
-Restart notepad
-Magic happens!