Need cloud sync, many files usually we dont save on notepad++, need autosave and sync. As on restart sometimes new files get lost.
Need cloud sync, many files usually we dont save on notepad++, need autosave and sync. As on restart sometimes new files get lost.
My company doesnt allow us to have cloud storage on system. so need cloud sync to gmail cloud or somewhere
You don’t need to post it twice. I have asked a moderator to lock or delete the other copy of this post. Let’s all try to keep the conversation in this one, until that happens.
To be able to implement a “save on cloud” option without using a cloud folder on your harddrive, someone would have to write a plugin to do that. The developers of the main application aren’t likely to implement something like that, because that would require them to become experts on all the various cloud providers, each of which handle syncing slightly differently – it’s a task much better suited to a plugin.
Autosave is easy to get using the AutoSave plugin, as long as you remember to change the default configuration of that plugin (because it strangely doesn’t enabled any of the autosave features by default).