"Monitor with Notepad++" windows explorer context menu
I find the relatively new monitor feature very helpful.
It would be very nice if I could open a file to be monitored directly from the windows explorer context menu.
Even without modifying the installer to have such option, just having the CLI option to open a file in monitor mode will be enough.
Many thanks -
I cannot say I’d ever thought “boy, do I wish I could activate file-monitoring from the command line”. But everyone uses Notepad++ in their own way, so if that’s something that would be useful to you, it wouldn’t bother me or get in the way of my workflow.
If you had read Please Read Before Posting before posting, you would have seen the paragraph which explains that this forum is not the bug-tracker/feature-request-tracker, and you would have been directed to the FAQ entry which explains where you do go to make a feature request.
@peterjones Sorry about that.
For anyone who’s interested, there is already a feature-request for it here https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/10562 .