Need file sync to cloud without installing third party software
Need file sync to cloud.
Our company policy doesn’t allow us to have cloud storage providers to be installed. Infact any software has to be installed with their permission.
In this case over my past experience, couple of times I have lost my progress on NPP.
- Need some cloud sync for files to track progress.
- Need better file management
Syed. -
It sounds as if you want Notepad++ to help you circumvent your company policies.
If Notepad++ could save directly into some cloud (which ?), wouldn’t it become a forbidden cloud storage provider?Notepad++ is designed to work with a file system. It uses file system API. It doesn’t even know if the file system is local or over network.
The majority of users that want cloud synching just use the cloud synching software so your feature request is serves a fraction of the user base.
It is far more likely that you could convince your company of your need then Notepad++ will add such a feature.