Please make a Mac version available !
I do wonder if there is any sighting of a native Mac version of this wonderful Editor. (?) I have been using the windows version for years and love it; but recently decided to ditch windows entirely; (for various good, sound reasons not relevant to this conversation].
I am still doing development; using mostly PlatformIO as a plugin to Visual Studio Code; but still Notepad++ would be a useful addition to my arsenal of tools; but I am resistant to using it unless it’s running as a native app. I just do not need to add layers of complexity to my system.
Thus my request to you: Please, Please Pleeeese reconsider to make a native Mac version of this tool available. To me its worth a small price to pay to get it via the App Store (I recognise that Apple do not much like free apps).
Cheers and thanks for all your good work over the years.
Please read the posts in that thread you linked, especially … Unless you can overcome the technical challenges mentioned there, there’s not anything that can be done