Need some help here, please
<resource name="dirt" title="%EarthT" desc="%EarthD" file="gfx\level_tiles\craft_res\craft_dirt_01" build="dirt" application="mining" properties="wall" shop_count="10" shop_cost="1" pak="" /> <resource name="sand" title="%SandT" desc="%SandD" file="gfx\level_tiles\craft_res\craft_send_01" build="sand" application="mining" properties="wall" shop_count="5" shop_cost="1" pak="" />
I have tis XML file and I want to replace all shop_count values to the same number. but have no idea how to search and replace them.For example, I would like to search for shop_count=“any number” and replace it with shop_count=“10”. Is it possible to search this way?
mode: Regular expression -
Thank you!