Regex: Remove space of unfinished sentences whose words continue on a new line
hello. I have some unfinished sentences whose words continue on a new line. See the print screen below.
So, I need to link those words again in the same sentence, in continuation of that line.
So, I made a regex:
The only problem is that my regex will bring absolutely all the lines closer together, even the paragraphs.
Hello @hellena-crainicu,
Please, instead of a picture, could you provide us raw text, in reverse video, like below :
Text to analyse
@hellena-crainicu This exact problem was recently solved here.
Please, instead of a picture, could you provide us raw text, in reverse video, like below :
Text to analyse
Starting the point
luate de
(from this point starts the problem)Considerat ca parte umilă a artei, „rnește-șugnl“, atît de respectat odinioară, a fost dat uitării, cu timpul, in mod imprudent. în prezent, mulți se întorc la el, înțelegînd insuficiența experiențelor izolate, a „pornirii de Ia zero“ ca îs Robinson pe insula sa și a micilor rețete luate de
ici, de colo, al căror efect strălucitor are consecințe triste. Aceasta pentru că epoca noastră, -
@hellena-crainicu This exact problem was recently solved here.
SUPER ANSWER. Your solution is great:
Also, the one made by @guy038 is super: