need help with xml plugin
I get an access violation error everytime i try to validate a file
Upgrade to the latest version.
@michael-vincent i have and I’ve reinstalled the plugins as well
@mike-niehorster said in need help with xml plugin:
i have and I’ve reinstalled the plugins as well
Upgrade to the latest XML Tools plugin .
@michael-vincent thank you. i made sure i had that and im still getting the same thing. fyi im totally new at all of this, is there something i can be overlooking? like format or setting or anything?
@mike-niehorster the error says "pluginsmanager::runplugincommand access violation
@mike-niehorster said in need help with xml plugin:
thank you. i made sure i had that and im still getting the same thing. fyi im totally new at all of this, is there something i can be overlooking? like format or setting or anything?
Report your bug on the XML Tools plugins issue page . Please be sure to include DETAILED information, like:
- Notepad++ Debug info (from the menu ?=>Debug Info…)
- Your XML Tools version
- The XML file your trying to validate
- The XML schema you’re using,
- any other information that will make it easy for the developers to reproduce you bug. If it can’t be reproduced, it won’t be fixed.
@michael-vincent said in need help with xml plugin:
Report your bug on the XML Tools plugins issue page
Done -