PythonScript, editor.markerAdd has stopped working
It had actually uninstalled PythonScript entirely when I updated. I had to re-install it so I do currently have 2.0.0 installed. -
MARK_BOOKMARK = 24 # this is Notepad++'s bookmark flag currentLine = editor.lineFromPosition(editor.getCurrentPos()) marker = editor.markerAdd(currentLine, MARK_BOOKMARK)
works for me: it puts Notepad++'s bookmark symbol in the gutter
Are you sure there’s a marker defined for marker slot 1?
@peterjones Thanks! That might be what has changed. I’ll have to try to remember why and how I was getting the numbers themselves to show as markers (I have similar scripts for 1 through 9).
@michael-brock said in PythonScript, editor.markerAdd has stopped working:
remember why and how I was getting the numbers themselves to show as markers (I have similar scripts for 1 through 9).
Could it be you were using a extra plugin that shows the numbers themselves?
Thanks for the responses. They jogged my memory. I have a python startup script which is run when Notepad++ starts. It sets the markers to the text 1-9. The upgrade to 8.3.3 overwrote that script. I reverted to a back up copy and it is back to working.
@michael-brock said in PythonScript, editor.markerAdd has stopped working:
It sets the markers to the text 1-9.
Cool. Could you share that portion of your startup script? I’ve usually only seen markers be one of the 32 predefined symbols, so seeing how you did that might be a learning experience for me or others.
@michael-brock said in PythonScript, editor.markerAdd has stopped working:
The upgrade to 8.3.3 overwrote that script.
I find that difficult to believe.
I think what happened is that you were using the machine
(c:\Program Files\Notepad++\Plugins\PythonScript\Scripts
is the normal machine-script folder) instead of the
for a normal installation or<portable-npp-folder...>\Plugins\Config\PythonScript\Scripts
for a portable) … Thus, when you installed PythonScript 2.0.0, it overwrite the
; the plugin expects that it can overwrite that file, because users are expected to use the
for their own customization (though the docs don’t emphasize that enough, IMO; we in the forum do actively encourage PythonScript users to customize in the user startup, not the machine startup). -
More specifically then: I upgraded Notepad++, that uninstalled Pyton Script. I reinstalled Python Script and in the process the script I was using was overwritten.
This is the snippet of code:
# sets margins and markers for bookmarks editor.setMarginWidthN(4, 10) editor.setMarginTypeN(4, MARGINTYPE.TEXT) for x in range(1,9): marginMask = 1 << x editor.setMarginMaskN(4, 510 ) editor.markerDefine(x, 10048 + x) # use a colored symbol (possible symbols are CIRCLE, ROUNDRECT, ARROW, SMALLRECT, SHORTARROW, . editor.markerSetFore(x, (0,0,0)) # contour of symbol editor.markerSetBack(x, (255,255,0)) # filling
@michael-brock said in PythonScript, editor.markerAdd has stopped working:
editor.markerDefine(x, 10048 + x)
When I try something like this, with e.g. x = 2, I only get a half-width bookmark, looking like this:
Unless… I zoom way up in which case it looks better:
But that isn’t a realistic working environment for me. :-)
If I try other types of boomarks (as well as the default blue/purple ball symbol), they all look fine at my preferred zoom level, here’s the “bookmark” one:
I had not noticed previously that zooming would affect the bookmarks. My default zoom is large enough for me not to have noticed.
Interestingly, Window’s Ink Workspace screen shot removes the color from the left margin and really makes the font unreadable.
Better screenshot:
from Npp import * # sets margins and markers for bookmarks editor.setMarginWidthN(4, 10) editor.setMarginTypeN(4, MARGINTYPE.TEXT) # this will make margin#4 allow markers 1-10 editor.setMarginMaskN(4, 0x03FF ) for x in range(1,9+1): editor.markerDefine(x, 10048 + x) # use a colored symbol (possible symbols are CIRCLE, ROUNDRECT, ARROW, SMALLRECT, SHORTARROW, . editor.markerSetFore(x, (0,0,0)) # contour of symbol editor.markerSetBack(x, (255,255,0)) # filling for i in range(1,9+1): editor.markerAdd(5+i,i) editor.setMarginMaskN(1, editor.getMarginMaskN(1) | 0x3FF ) # set those bits from time import sleep sleep(10) # five seconds later editor.setMarginMaskN(1, editor.getMarginMaskN(1) & ~0x3FF ) # clear those bits
It appears that if you are putting the character style in margin 1, where the bookmark round icon goes, the characters are strangely placed. I think it might have to do with the
editor.setMarginTypeN(1, ...)
that is implicit in Notepad++ default condition. Because the margin=1 column cuts off the characters, but margin=4 column does not.I added
for i in range(0,4+1): t = editor.getMarginTypeN(i) console.write("margin type #{} = {} {}\n".format(i, t, MARGINTYPE.values[t]))
to see the types for each of the 5 margins:
margin type #0 = 1 NUMBER margin type #1 = 6 COLOUR margin type #2 = 0 SYMBOL margin type #3 = 0 SYMBOL margin type #4 = 4 TEXT
but even if I add
near the beginning, the margin=1 column still cuts off half of the character. -
So there are some nuances here that I haven’t thought about before, or at least not in a long time, so I will expend some more time thinking about it…
But aside from the visual implications of seeing a different number symbol for the bookmarks, is there other value in doing this – what the OP has done? I don’t think so, unless there are other commands created which use the numbers to do something.
@alan-kilborn said in PythonScript, editor.markerAdd has stopped working:
So there are some nuances here that I haven’t thought about before, or at least not in a long time, so I will expend some more time thinking about it…
But aside from the visual implications of seeing a different number symbol for the bookmarks, is there other value in doing this – what the OP has done? I don’t think so, unless there are other commands created which use the numbers to do something.
This is part of a bookmarking “scheme”. I can set a marker/bookmark w/ the number marker in the column with alt-1,alt-2, etc. The snippet of code above sets the bookmark. What isn’t shown is the portion that saves the marker handle (as a string) to a file named after the bookmark # and the file name (so a separate file for each bookmark for each file).
I have a separate set of scripts which are keyed to ctrl-1, ctrl-2, etc. These look for a file named as above and reads the marker from the file and uses
gotoLine=editor.markerLineFromHandle(int(gotoMarker)) editor.gotoLine(int(gotoLine))
to jump to the line.
It works very well. So I have a set of 9 bookmarks that I can set and jump between. In my programming I will set particular code blocks to always have the same bookmark and it makes jumping between them very easy.
@michael-brock said in PythonScript, editor.markerAdd has stopped working:
It works very well.
Ah, okay. It’s always nice to have the “rest of the story” on something that starts out as a tech support question and then takes on a life of its own through discussions. :-)
A Alan Kilborn referenced this topic on
The marker ID used for bookmarks changed in Notepad++ 8.4.6 (and later). It is now 20, instead of 24. So, all references to 24 in this thread and/or its script(s), should be changed to 20.