Analyse Plugin with v8.3.3
I have installed Notepad++ v8.3.3 but my analyse plugin is no longer available, is not in Plugins Admin and I can’t import it.
Is this plugin no longer supported with v8.3.3?
In Notepad++ v8.3 and later (which includes v8.3.3), Notepad++ updated the interface that plugins must use in order to be compatible with Notepad++. If a plugin used one of a handful of old function calls to interact with Notepad++, the plugin must be updated, otherwise it will cause Notepad++ to crash. The Notepad++ developer doesn’t like when users blame problems with plugins on the main application, so he instituted a filter which disables certain incompatible plugins as of v8.3.3.
If the author of the AnalysePlugin releases a new version of the plugin and submits an updated link to the nppPluginList, then AnalysePlugin will be available in Plugins Admin in the next release of Notepad++ after it is submitted. It looks like bug #86 has been reported at AnalysePlugin 's issue tracker, and the author has accepted the issue as a high priority… but when a new version is released is up to the author’s schedule. Once a new version is released, even if it hasn’t been propagated to nppPluginList and then to Plugins Admin yet, you will be able to download it from the AnalysePlugin manual download and manually overwrite your AnalysePlugin.dll with the download from that repository.
Is this plugin no longer supported
Technically, Notepad++ doesn’t “support” plugins in the sense that the Notepad++ developer doesn’t publish and update the plugins, and the Notepad++ developer is not responsible for the functionality of most* plugins. Notepad++ publishes the interface, and it is up to the authors/developers of the individual plugins to make sure that they keep up-to-date with the Notepad++ interface.
So watch bug #86 for updates on when that fix is implemented in the AnalysePlugin.
@peterjones Thanks for the info. Apologies, I should I have checked the plugin first. I’ll keep an eye out for the changes.
Thanks again for your help.