Notepad++ Portable version - You can't update it, due to some security risk. Am I right?
I use Notepad++ Portable . . .
. . . because there is no export feature for your Notepad++ settings on the regular, install version.
With the portable version, you just make your settings, and can then copy and paste the program to use anywhere, as a stand alone text editor.
The only downside to this is that I don’t think you can update the portable version, due to some security risk. Am I right? You would have to get the latest portable version, and then re-do all of your settings.
Wrong. is completely portable. Keep configuration files (.xml) in the same folder. -
Is there some page that explains how to update the portable version?
If I click on the Question Mark / About Notepad++ . . . nothing is there, and
I don’t see anything under any of the other menus, with the portable version, either, that says “Check for updates”
Auto-updater is not included in portable, as it is made toward advanced users. Just need to replace old files with newer from package to update.
Whatever, one good source for information is the Wiki . -
Ok, I have run this experiment. Here are my notes:
From briefly reading around . . . it looks like in the portable version of Notepad++:
1.) It does not have an auto-updater, for security purposes - and there is no place to click to update it under the question mark
2.) If you update it manually, you will lose all of your plugins - and all settings go back to default
I just downloaded the current portable version, and installed over what was in . . . C: \ Notepad++Portable
It went from / to:
NotepadPlusPlusPortable_6.8.1.paf.exeAll plugins and settings were retained
. . . Did it check to see if my plugins were compatible, or not, though? It seems like the regular installer version shows itself checking them, where the portable version does not.
Official versions are downloaded here: don’t know what fake portable versions do. I know that do a lot of “portable” craps for programs that are natively portable. (these .paf come from them, right?)
Yes, .paf comes from them. I thought it was really cool how they had so much software that they had made portable. What makes it bad?
I thought PortableApps worked with all of these software companies, to make their software portable. They should put the link on their page, if the software can be made natively portable.
So, I just look at those two settings before I install it, and then the one xml file . .
. . . won’t I see Notepad++ in my Win 8.1 Programs as being installed? I see that it’s not currently there (I’m currently using the PortableApps version)
. . . if I do see it installed (maybe I wont?), am I still able to cut and paste the Notepad++ sub-directory to anywhere I want (like a flash drive), because it’s portable?Since Notepad++ is natively portable, I think it would be good if they could make that more obvious, because that adds a lot to it’s usability. People should just install it as portable by default.
I think you need to understand what means the “portable” concept…
Basically, portable programs you don’t install, you just extract and execute in place; it won’t leave shortcuts or other traces on the system. -
I’ll check it out, thanks.
This is my current situation / thoughts / what I did / to set up the natively portable NP++
This pictures on this page need to be updated:
Portable Notepad++ - Notepad++ Wiki . . .
I un-checked for the Context menu on the first screen
I checked to not use the APPDATA folder on the second screen
My install had the xml file
Notepad++ now shows as being installed in “Programs and Features” (Win 8.1)
I put a copy of it, the Notepad++ folder, from “C: \ Program Files \ Notepad++” onto a USB drive
I then de-installed Notepad++ from C: . . . and then put the Notepad++ folder back on C: from the USB drive
I right-click a text file, and direct it to use notepad++.exe . . . and does it work? yes
So, any changes I make to Settings will be contained in the Notepad++ ? . . . Let’s see:
. . . Settings - yes
. . . what about Plugins?
Aspell . . . de-installed after getting it into NP++ . . . no, Aspell is not portable - I’ll put this in a new post
Customize Toolbar . . . from the Plugins Manager - yes
DSpellCheck . . . from the Plugins Manager - did I need this if I have Aspell? I did not re-install it
TextFX . . . a dll file for the Plugins folder - yesAlso observed with the natively portable version of Notepad++ . . .
. . . it has the option to update itself . . . ? / Update Notepad++
. . . The PortableApps version did not -
Is that the right way to do it?
1.) Install NP++, and your plugins
2.) copy and paste the NP++ folder to a USB flash drive
3.) de-install NP++ from your computer
4.) copy and past the NP++ folder back to your computer - it is now standaloneAs I mentioned above, though, Aspell doesn’t become portable.
I think it did with the PortableApps version, though (I over-wrote it, so I would have to set it up again to say for sure, but maybe you know).The only downside I saw to the PortableApps version was that you could update it from under the question mark - but, all that’s required is that you get the current PortableApps version, and over-write what you have . . . Now I’m thinking that the PortableApps version is better than the native version (since I think that it can make Aspell portable).
I’ve found that you can update it, stand alone, or through their platform updater:
[Just install an updated version of NP++ portable, over the current version]
Upgrading a Portable App
Standalone - To upgrade a portable app manually without the Platform, just browse to the location of the AppNamePortable_x.x.paf.exe file you downloaded.
Double-click the file to start the installation. Follow the on-screen prompts and select the location you’d like to install to.
For upgrades, you should select the parent directory of the AppNamePortable directory in which the app is currently installed.
For example, if the app is within
you’d want to select the
X:\PortableApps directory in the Browse Folder window.After clicking OK, it should show X:\PortableApps\AppNamePortable. All of your current settings and data will be preserved.
Uninstalling a Portable App
Unlike traditional apps, a portable app isn’t ‘installed’ with an entry in Add/Remove programs, so uninstallation is quick and easy.
Standalone - Delete the AppNamePortable folder to completely remove the app and all its settings.
[A plugin such as Aspell, though, is installed with an entry in Add/Remove programs - there is no way to make it portable with NP++, native or PortableApps]
In the NPP++ native version, made stand alone, you can do this in the menu across the top:
? / Update Notepad++
? / Set Updater Proxy…The native version of NP++ also has fewer files, and a smaller file size.
I’ll go with that