How can I turn off Change History
Some sort of “reset change history” for a given file or tab? This seems reasonable to me. Where could this go? On the tab menu? View menu? Somewhere else?
@lmagyar said in How can I turn off Change History:
A Reload will mark the whole document changed, this is useless.
I believe this was a reported issue in Scintilla, which Notepad++ is built around.
Once fixed and once Notepad++ has pulled in that version, that behavior could change also here. But unfortunately not likely to change until then I guess.
@lmagyar said in How can I turn off Change History:
A Reload will mark the whole document changed, this is useless.
Known issue, see HERE, will be fixed.
Notepad++ users will have to be patient; like any large new feature, Change-History is having its growing pains.If you are interested in temporary workarounds, see the @PeterJones macro HERE.
@David-Brigden52 said in How can I turn off Change History:
Some sort of “reset change history” for a given file or tab?
Where could this go? On the tab menu? View menu?It really wouldn’t be necessary as a separate command, once the action of Change-History with the Reload command is fixed.
I like this new feature!
But… Isn’t it unnecessary for new documents? :D -
@MIN-HEE-HAN said in How can I turn off Change History:
Isn’t it unnecessary for new documents?
Presume you mean like
new 2
as you edit it in one run of Notepad++. In that case, your statement is rather true. However, prudent advice to follow is to save such documents to a hard-named file in your file system ASAP after creating them – at that point change-history starts showing valuable information as you continue to edit and periodically save. -
@MIN-HEE-HAN said in How can I turn off Change History:
Isn’t it unnecessary for new documents?
It provides yet another indicator that the file you are editing has not been saved. Given the number of times that users complain about problems that arose because they refused to save, having more indicators makes it more likely that they will think about their data integrity rather than just assuming “oh, come on, nothing bad will happen to my data” is not a bad thing, IMO.
T Terry R referenced this topic on
@Alan-Kilborn , I agree - I have just discovered this feature and think it’s a really good addition to N++. However, what about us users who have red-green color-blindness? I understand that modified lines are marked in green and new lines are in orange, but I can’t tell the difference between them - when adjacent they all look like orange to me! Is there any way I can get a message to N++ developers to make these colours configurable so that they contrast more?
Thanks, Alan
From one Alan to another…
There’s already at least one official feature request to allow changing the Change History colors, see HERE.
The Change History feature comes from Notepad++'s editing component which is a different project not under Notepad++ control. I believe, although I’m not certain, that that project has not to this point made the colors configurable – which means that Notepad++ can’t reasonably do it.
Change History is a new feature, and I’ll sure it will evolve; let’s see where things go.
After making many changes to a file, I printed a modified copy for “eye scanning.” However, the changes were highlighted in black which made it impossible to read. After trying many options in Preferences to change this behavior, the tip you mentioned resolved my problem which also calmed my frustrated nerves. Thanks for posting.
@Alan-Kilborn said in How can I turn off Change History:
The Change History feature comes from Notepad++'s editing component which is a different project not under Notepad++ control. I believe, although I’m not certain, that that project has not to this point made the colors configurable – which means that Notepad++ can’t reasonably do it.
It’s not difficult. In the n++ source I found
I use Autohotkey for my startup script and added
PostMessage, SCI_MARKERSETBACK, SC_MARKNUM_HISTORY_SAVED, 0xc0c0c0, Scintilla1, ahk_exe notepad++.exe
to get a gray saved marker.
BTW, the above defines show why bookmarks had to move from marker 24 to marker 20.
This has been giving me a headache for a while, and keeps re-enabling.
I notice it every time I update the version. But what I’ve found now, is that I have two instances of Notepad++ installed
And if I launch the old one, the “off” setting gets reset on the new version, turning display history back on '-.-
if I launch the old one, the “off” setting gets reset on the new version, turning display history back on
This situation causes both to use the same settings, because there is only one copy of the settings on your PC.