@Scott-Raskin-0 said in renumbering/incremental:
so what I did was click load folder into workspace and loaded that folder. I think there were close to 1000 files on the tree on the left. So, if I right click on the folder and do a find/replace and then click replace in all, it will replace in all 1000 files there.
OK, I understand your thinking on this now. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to hook a script with custom-replace functionality into that action. But never fear, what I have in mind will work, albeit a bit differently.
As for posting the code that would be amazing (as I’ve already seen a few people with my specific problem, and I imagine others with something similar)
Yes, give me a bit of time to do it and post it. Although it is 4am where I am (and I’ve just arisen after my 5 hours of sleep), I have a few other tasks to get to as well. Check back here periodically…
@Alan-Kilborn not a problem. You’re doing us all a favor, and thr time it will save me will be way more than the time between now and you posting it so we are all very appreciative. Also I’m in NY so I think we are on the same time zone, and as you can see by when I posted that. We both need to sleep more
Under construction, please come back soon. :-(
I posted the script, then I wanted to add some comments about it, so I edited it, but the site told me my post was “too long”, so I chopped off the first part (containing the script), thinking that when I submitted, what I submitted would be an additional posting. Doh! It just replaced the original (of course, like it is supposed to do).
So please wait while I reconstruct the two postings. I saved the second one, so no loss there; the first one I have the script listing , of course, but I lost the surrounding data there. :-(
A Alan Kilborn referenced this topic on
@Alan-Kilborn nothing to be frowny-faced about. Will appreciate it as much next Monday as I would have today
So the script listing follows. Before you think, from the length of it, that it was (a) a lot of work for me, or (b) that it is very complicated, well, it really was/is neither. The base algorithm is minimal, and I basically recycled ANOTHER SCRIPT for most of the logic.
Here’s the script listing for what I call
(wow, sorry for long name!); after the listing are some details about running it:# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function # references: # # also from Npp import * import inspect import os import fnmatch #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RIFUCRF(object): def __init__(self): self.this_script_name = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename.split(os.sep)[-1].rsplit('.', 1)[0] self.debug = True if 0 else False if self.debug: pass #console.clear() self.run_example_from_pythonscript_docs = True if 0 else False if not self.debug: prompt = '\r\n\r\n\r\n'.join([ 'Prompt 1 (of 6):', 'IT IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO MAKE A BACKUP OF ALL ORIGINAL FILES BEFORE CONTINUING !!', 'Press Cancel to exit script and do that. After that, re-run the script.', ]) if not self.mb_ok_cancel(prompt): return active_tab_filepath = notepad.getCurrentFilename() active_tab_filename = active_tab_filepath.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[-1] active_tab_extension = active_tab_filename.rsplit('.', 1) if not os.path.isfile(active_tab_filepath): self.mb('You must have a tab that has been saved into the file system active when running this script; exiting.') return if self.run_example_from_pythonscript_docs: # base example from PythonScript docs: self.search_regex = r'X([0-9]+)' # search for X followed by some number of digits; remember what the digits are for use at replace time else: # vvvvvvvvvv---------- USER MODS REQUIRED BELOW ----------vvvvvvvvvv self.search_regex = r'^N\d+' # search for N followed by some number of digits (but must be at start-of-line) # ^^^^^^^^^^---------- USER MODS REQUIRED ABOVE ----------^^^^^^^^^^ prompt = '\r\n\r\n'.join([ 'Prompt 2 (of 6):\r\n', 'Is this the correct search expression to use for the custom replacement?:', self.search_regex + '\r\n', 'Answering No will give you a path to stopping script execution; Yes will continue.', ]) yes = self.yes_no(prompt) if not yes: msg = '\r\n\r\n'.join([ 'Edit the script code and set this variable to the indended value:', 'self.search_regex', '\r\n', 'Also verify replacement functionality in this function:', 'perform_custom_replace_in_one_file', '\r\n', 'After you close this box, the script will exit so you can go off and do that stuff. After that, re-run the script.', ]) self.mb(msg) return suggested_search_folder_top_level_path = active_tab_filepath.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[0] + os.sep self.print('(default) suggested_search_folder_top_level_path:', suggested_search_folder_top_level_path) user_input = suggested_search_folder_top_level_path while True: # loop until valid folder input is obtained search_folder_top_level_paths_list = [] prompt = '\r\n'.join([ 'Prompt 3 (of 6):', 'Perform custom replacements in the files in this folder?', ]) user_input = self.prompt(prompt, user_input) if user_input == None: return # user cancel input_list = user_input.rstrip().split('\r\n') self.print('input_list:', input_list) all_input_is_valid = True for folder in input_list: folder = folder.strip() self.print('folder:|{}|'.format(folder)) if len(folder) == 0: continue if folder[-1] != os.sep: folder += os.sep if not os.path.isdir(folder): self.mb('Invalid folder name specified!:\r\n\r\n{}\r\n\r\nYou will be given a chance to correct this.'.format(folder)) all_input_is_valid = False else: search_folder_top_level_paths_list.append(folder) if all_input_is_valid and len(search_folder_top_level_paths_list) > 0: break # exit the while loop self.print('search_folder_top_level_paths_list:', search_folder_top_level_paths_list) only_1_top_level_folder = True if len(search_folder_top_level_paths_list) == 1 else False process_subfolders = self.yes_no_cancel('\r\n\r\n'.join([ 'Prompt 4 (of 6):\r\n', 'Do custom replacements in files in SUBFOLDERS (if any) {}also?'.format('of this folder ' if only_1_top_level_folder else ''), (search_folder_top_level_paths_list[0] if only_1_top_level_folder else '') + '\r\n', '(Cancel will exit the script.)', ])) if process_subfolders == None: return # user cancel self.print('process_subfolders:', process_subfolders) suggested_filespec = '*.*' if len(active_tab_extension) == 2: suggested_filespec = '*.' + active_tab_extension[-1] prompt = '\r\n'.join([ 'Prompt 5 (of 6):', 'Supply filespec filter list (ex1.: *.html *.txt *.log ex2.: *.* )', ]) filter_input = self.prompt(prompt, suggested_filespec) if filter_input == None: return # user cancel filters_list = filter_input.split(' ') filters_list = [ f for f in filters_list if len(f) > 0 ] # remove any empty entries in filters_list self.print('filters_list:', filters_list) pathnames_matching_filters_list = [] total_folders_encountered = total_files_encountered = 0 for top_level_path in search_folder_top_level_paths_list: for (root, __, filenames) in os.walk(top_level_path): total_folders_encountered += 1 total_files_encountered += len(filenames) for filter_filespec in filters_list: for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, filter_filespec): pathnames_matching_filters_list.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) if not process_subfolders: break self.print('pathnames_matching_filters_list:', pathnames_matching_filters_list) num_files_matching_filters = len(pathnames_matching_filters_list) if num_files_matching_filters == 0: self.mb('Of {tf} files examined in {td} folders, no files matched specified filter(s). Script will exit.'.format( tf=total_files_encountered, td=total_folders_encountered)) return pathname_currently_open_in_a_tab_list = [] for (pathname, __, __, __) in notepad.getFiles(): if pathname not in pathname_currently_open_in_a_tab_list: pathname_currently_open_in_a_tab_list.append(pathname) self.print('pathname_currently_open_in_a_tab_list:', pathname_currently_open_in_a_tab_list) num_folders_below_top_levels = total_folders_encountered - len(search_folder_top_level_paths_list) prompt = '\r\n\r\n'.join([ 'Prompt 6 (of 6):\r\n', '---- FINAL CONFIRMATION !!! ----\r\n', 'Make custom replacements in {nf} candidate files in this folder{b} ?:'.format( nf=num_files_matching_filters, b=' AND {} folders below'.format(num_folders_below_top_levels) if process_subfolders else '\r\n(but not its subfolders)'), (search_folder_top_level_paths_list[0] if only_1_top_level_folder else '(multiple top-level folders specified)') + '\r\n', 'Answering Yes will make the replacements.\r\n(No will exit the script, changing nothing.)', ]) confirmed = self.yes_no(prompt) if not confirmed: return total_replacements_made_in_all_files = 0 pathnames_with_replacements_made_dict = {} folders_with_replacements_made_dict = {} first_time_thru = True for pathname in pathnames_matching_filters_list: foldername_of_pathname = pathname.rsplit(os.sep, 1)[0] # the 'pathname' var here could be in "poor case" if user has entered the directory in a different # case than what the file system has, so compensate for that possibility: open_in_a_npp_tab = pathname.lower() in map(str.lower, pathname_currently_open_in_a_tab_list) if open_in_a_npp_tab: self.print('switching active tab to', pathname) notepad.activateFile(pathname) editor.beginUndoAction() else: self.print('opening', pathname) assert notepad.getCurrentFilename().lower() == pathname.lower() if editor.getReadOnly(): self.print('file is readonly so cannot change:', pathname) if not open_in_a_npp_tab: notepad.close() continue self.print('making replacements in', pathname) replacements_made_in_this_file = self.perform_custom_replace_in_one_file(first_time_thru) self.print('{} replacements made in current file'.format(replacements_made_in_this_file)) if replacements_made_in_this_file > 0: total_replacements_made_in_all_files += replacements_made_in_this_file pathnames_with_replacements_made_dict[pathname] = replacements_made_in_this_file folders_with_replacements_made_dict[foldername_of_pathname] = 1 if open_in_a_npp_tab: editor.endUndoAction() else: if editor.getModify(): self.print('saving', pathname) self.print('closing', pathname) notepad.close() first_time_thru = False # restore tab that was active before we started: notepad.activateFile(active_tab_filepath) info = '\r\n\r\n'.join([ '---- DONE !!! ----', '{} total replacements made'.format(total_replacements_made_in_all_files), 'Do you want to see details of the replacements made?' if total_replacements_made_in_all_files > 0 else '', '(Script will end after your response.)', ]) if total_replacements_made_in_all_files == 0: self.mb(info) elif self.yes_no(info): eol = ['\r\n', '\r', '\n'][editor.getEOLMode()] d = pathnames_with_replacements_made_dict digits = len(str(max(d.values()))) summary_line_list = [] summary_line_list.append('{tr} replacements made in {rp} files in {md} folders'.format( tr=total_replacements_made_in_all_files, rp=len(pathnames_with_replacements_made_dict), md=len(folders_with_replacements_made_dict), )) summary_line_list.append('{} folders examined'.format(total_folders_encountered)) summary_line_list.append('{mf}/{tf} files matched the filter(s) provided: {filts}'.format( mf=num_files_matching_filters, tf=total_files_encountered, filts=' '.join(filters_list), )) summary_line_list.append('-' * 40) summary_line_list.append(eol.join([ '{v:{d}} replacements - "{k}"'.format(v=v, k=k, d=digits) for (k, v) in sorted(d.items()) ])) editor.setText(eol.join(summary_line_list) + eol) editor.scrollRange(0, 0) # ensure line 1 is shown editor.setSavePoint() # make the temporary file seem saved def perform_custom_replace_in_one_file(self, first_time): # since the editor.replace() function won't tell us how many replacements it made, # count them by searching for the matches BEFORE doing the replacement: match_list = [] editor.research(self.search_regex, lambda m: match_list.append(1)) if len(match_list) > 0: if self.run_example_from_pythonscript_docs: # base example from PythonScript docs: def return_replacement_text_func(m): # replace X followed by numbers by an incremented number, e.g. X56 X39 X999 becomes Y57 Y40 Y1000 return 'Y' + str(int( + 1) else: # vvvvvvvvvv---------- USER MODS REQUIRED BELOW ----------vvvvvvvvvv renumbering = [ 1, 1 ] # default to re-numbering starting with 1 and incrementing by 1; this would be the general case CURRENT = 0; INCREMENT = 1 # indexes into the re-numbering list renumbering[INCREMENT] = 10 # override our default increment-by and change it to 10, for our specific need def return_replacement_text_func(m): repl_text = 'N{0:02}'.format(renumbering[CURRENT]) # replace with N and a minimum of 2 digits, e.g. N01, N90, N300 renumbering[CURRENT] += renumbering[INCREMENT] return repl_text # ^^^^^^^^^^---------- USER MODS REQUIRED ABOVE ----------^^^^^^^^^^ editor.rereplace(self.search_regex, return_replacement_text_func) return len(match_list) def mb(self, msg, flags=0, title=''): # a message-box function return notepad.messageBox(msg, title if title else self.this_script_name, flags) def mb_ok_cancel(self, msg, title=''): # returns True(OK) or False(Cancel) okay = notepad.messageBox(msg, title if title else self.this_script_name, MESSAGEBOXFLAGS.OKCANCEL) == MESSAGEBOXFLAGS.RESULTOK return okay def yes_no(self, question_text): # returns True(Yes), False(No) answer = self.mb(question_text, MESSAGEBOXFLAGS.YESNO, self.this_script_name) return True if answer == MESSAGEBOXFLAGS.RESULTYES else False def yes_no_cancel(self, question_text): # returns True(Yes), False(No), or None(Cancel) retval = None answer = self.mb(question_text, MESSAGEBOXFLAGS.YESNOCANCEL, self.this_script_name) if answer == MESSAGEBOXFLAGS.RESULTYES: retval = True elif answer == MESSAGEBOXFLAGS.RESULTNO: retval = False return retval def prompt(self, prompt_text, default_text=''): if '\n' not in prompt_text: prompt_text = '\r\n' + prompt_text prompt_text += ':' return notepad.prompt(prompt_text, self.this_script_name, default_text) def print(self, *args): if self.debug: print(self.__class__.__name__ + ':', *args) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': RIFUCRF()
To reiterate from an earlier post in this thread, information about setting up and running a PythonScript is in the FAQ, HERE.
So how do you run it, specifically for this application?
Open into Notepad++ a data file in the top-level folder where you want to do the replacements. Execute the script from the
menu in Notepad++. You’ll be asked some questions, and then the core replacement logic will run to make your changes.–
Moderator EDIT (2024-Jan-14): fixed EOL order -
A Alan Kilborn referenced this topic on
The script does what I think was what was wanted; it renumbers into order, with gaps in the numbering, all the Nx fields that occur at start-of-line, where “x” is some number of digits – and the important part: it does this across some folder hierarchy of possibly a large number of files.
If someone wanted to keep the core logic, but change the specific search and replacement, here’s what someone would do:
Search the code for the text
; you’d find some sections that look like this:# vvvvvvvvvv---------- USER MODS REQUIRED BELOW ----------vvvvvvvvvv # ^^^^^^^^^^---------- USER MODS REQUIRED ABOVE ----------^^^^^^^^^^
In between those lines are what you’d change for customization.
In the first case, you’d change what is being looked for, e.g.:
self.search_regex = r'^N\d+' # search for N followed by some number of digits (but must be at start-of-line)
Change what is between the
characters for the regular expression you’ve tested independent of the script.In the second case, you’d find this:
def return_replacement_text_func(m): ....
and that’s where you’d put the replacement function you developed for the one file case.
For our scenario under discussion in this thread, that function looks like this:
def return_replacement_text_func(m): # replace with N and a minimum of 2 digits, e.g. N01, N90, N300 repl_text = 'N{0:02}'.format(renumbering[CURRENT]) renumbering[CURRENT] += renumbering[INCREMENT] return repl_text
However, for this scenario, we need to remember some things between runs of this function – e.g., what’s our current count value – so we have some code that appears just above the definition of return_replacement_text_func, to allow that “memory” to happen:
renumbering = [ 1, 1 ] # default to re-numbering starting with 1 and incrementing by 1; in the general case CURRENT = 0; INCREMENT = 1 # indexes into the re-numbering list renumbering[INCREMENT] = 10 # override our default increment-by and change it to 10, for our specific need
The replacement will do the first replacement using the text
, the second withN11
, third withN21
, and so on.Now, this all may seem very complicated if you were trying to write it from nothing, but maybe it isn’t so bad to read and follow the logic, or adapt to similar need.
@Alan-Kilborn This looks great and I will be doing some testing on it today. First thing I noticed was I needed to change this line: renumbering = [ 1, 1 ] to renumbering = [ 10, 1 ], as it has to start at 10 (or more, but I figured 10 was a good # to use, as if you remember from my other post, I need to edit some lines. So I really appreciate you making it easy, as that was very simple to find and edit. The next part I need to figure out is, where to have it do this (or do I justdo it separately. Its only 2 operations if I need to do separately and it will change 10k files so its worth it either way. The other post I had done we came up with
replace: \A(?-s).\R.\R.\R.\R.\R.\R.*\R
with : O0001 ;N01 ;N02 ;N03 ;N04 G94 G53 G56 T0000 ;N05 G92 X0.6820 Z2.1505 ;N06 G59 ;So right now, If I run your script, followed by that search/replace it seems it does all I need to do. Just wondering if that is something python allows.
This is all amazing, and even with you being modest, you still put a good deal of effort into this and it is much appreciated
@Alan-Kilborn Sorry for breaking this into two messages: I also see where you have the self.search_regex and def retuen_replacement_text_func(m) I would be l;looking to make any future code modifications, so I can probably try adding that \A(?-s).\R.\R.\R.\R.\R.\R.*\R into the first part and the replacement into the second I just dont want to screw up the code. I will be back at the factory in a few hours to see.
Thanks again -
@Scott-Raskin said in renumbering/incremental:
First thing I noticed was I needed to change this line: renumbering = [ 1, 1 ] to renumbering = [ 10, 1 ], as it has to start at 10
You could change it the way you state, but I’d suggest this as cleaner:
renumbering[CURRENT] = 10
inserted above this line in the script:
renumbering[INCREMENT] = 10
The “current” value is the starting value, and also the “running” value as the replacement moves along (that’s why I didn’t want to call it “starting”). Expressing one’s self in code isn’t always straightforward.
The “increment” value is well-named, but the fact that the
tag in the code is 1 and NEVER should be changed, well, this does seem odd (it is used for a different purpose than one might think). Expressing one’s self in code isn’t always straightforward.If you just think in terms of:
if I want to change the starting value, I need to set
renumbering[CURRENT] =
something -
if I want to change the incrementing value, I need to set
renumbering[INCREMENT] =
and forget about the rest…for this specific application.
This is all amazing, and even with you being modest, you still put a good deal of effort into this and it is much appreciated
Not a problem. Part of the goal was somewhat of a generic solution (as you’ve probably noticed), so that the next time a question like this comes up (and it will), there is a model of a solution for it.
@Scott-Raskin said :
…run your script, followed by that search/replace it seems it does all I need to do.
Its only 2 operations if I need to do separately and it will change 10k files so its worth it either way
The script is rather dedicated to its renumbering/incrementing purpose, but it is just code so you could change it to go beyond that.
As the search/replace op you mention is just a normal one (no special math/renumber/increment stuff), you could just include an
function call right after this line:replacements_made_in_this_file = self.perform_custom_replace_in_one_file(first_time_thru)
Note however that this would invalidate the script’s results reporting (at completion, telling you number of replacements made, etc.). Not a big deal if you trust the script, mainly I put that stuff in to be general purpose, and to give a user a sanity check if they know about how many files should be matched via filespec/filter, about how many replaces should have been done, etc.
If I were you, I’d keep it as two separate and distinct operations, running of a script, and then a follow-up Replace in Files op.
@Alan-Kilborn tried this
self.print(‘making replacements in’, pathname)
replacements_made_in_this_file = self.perform_custom_replace_in_one_file(first_time_thru)
editor.rereplace(\A(?-s).\R.&\R.\R.\R.\R.\R.\R.*\R,O0001 ;N0001 ;N0002 ;N0003 ;N0005 G94 G53 G56 T0000 ;N0010 G92 X0.6820 Z2.1505 ;
) self.print(‘{} replacements made in current file’.format(replacements_made_in_this_file))and the script wont even run now. Maybe youre right and 2 ops is the best
@Alan-Kilborn copy/paste made it look weird for some reason in the post but that search/replace was all one line in the script
@Scott-Raskin said in renumbering/incremental:
copy/paste made it look weird for some reason in the post
If you want it to appear verbatim in a posting, you have to format it correctly.
Add lines with 3 backticks at the start and bottom of your “block”:
```Do that and it will appear like this:
one two three
Alternatively, select the text to format and press the “code” button in the “toolbar” to get the same effect:
More info on FORMATTING posts is in the FAQ entry concerning it.
Maybe youre right and 2 ops is the best
I think so…especially due to your newness to the scripting world. As you’ve found, it is very easy to screw up something to the point where a previously-running script now won’t run. (This is often even easy for scripting veterans to do.)
Are you making a “macro” out of your second op, the standard Replace in Files operation?
If so, then it really becomes less painful as a separate operation; you don’t have to fill in all the fields in the UI each time, you just pick the “macro” from the Macro menu to run it.
So your workflow becomes:
- run the script
- run the macro
Downside of a macro: For a Replace in Files macro, the folder is “hardcoded”.
@Alan-Kilborn so sorry, we were closed for a bit and Im just getting back. I will try those both this week, thank you so much for all of your help!
If you’ve used a script in this thread, you might want to double check your copy of it for a bug I’ve discovered.
Look to previous postings in this topic thread where the script has been changed – find the textmoderator edit (2024-Jan-14)
There’s a link there that describes the bug in more detail, and shows what needs to be changed in an old copy (or you can simply grab a copy of the current version).