margin on the left
How do I edit the settings so that there’s a margin between the window and the text? When I press enter to make a new line, there’s a margin. But pasted text doesn’t have a margin.
Also how do I remove that white line column on the left side?
@kracovwolf said in margin on the left:
When I press enter to make a new line, there’s a margin. But pasted text doesn’t have a margin.
I think that might be due to your Settings, Preferences, Editing, Line Wrap setting. When you press enter with certain Line Wrap settings your line will follow the previous by default. You could of course backspace to remove that. And inserting text, it doesn’t follow that setting I think so you get it against the left margin.
As a suggestion, if you turn on View, Show Symbol, Show all characters you will see small orange dots which show where each space character would be.
thanks. Is there a way to remove that white line? or change the color? -
@kracovwolf said in margin on the left:
Is there a way to remove that white line? or change the color?
Given your image appears to show “dark mode” enabled, and I don’t use that then I can’t help there. But that’s where I think the white comes from.
After installing NPP, it had a lot of excess stuff, like left columns, line count, etc. this is the best i could do. My other machine had that white line removed. -
@kracovwolf said in margin on the left:
After installing NPP, it had a lot of excess stuff, like left columns, line count, etc. this is the best i could do
Do you mean you upgraded as it will pick up any old settings? If you removed NPP and then installed again it’s possible the removal left behind some configuration files, which the new installation is now using.
If you wanted to start completely clean, you would need to uninstall, then remove all folders pertaining to NPP, both in the Program Files/Program Files (x86) folder and also under %appdata%\Notepad++ which is mostly where custom configurations reside.
its a new install on new pc. i just hoped you knew how to remove the line -
@kracovwolf said in margin on the left:
its a new install on new pc.
I didn’t think a new install enabled “dark mode” by default. So if you have already customised your colour scheme for NPP then I don’t know as I don’t do that.
Dark mode is under Settings, Preferences, Dark Mode. I have it set to Light Mode, try that to see if the white line disappears.
@Terry-R its not dark mode. its a style config- changed background color
@kracovwolf said in margin on the left:
its a style config- changed background color
So the next thing to suggest is to read the online manual in regards Global Styling here . When I read it I wondered if your white margin is the “bookmark” margin.
Have a read, but essentially you will just have to play with the different settings and see what change occurs each time. I don’t even do that to my GUI so can’t help beyond what I’ve done thus far.
@Terry-R found it. it was the line number margin