How to make the Aspell plugin portable?
These two have to be installed, so that Aspell works:
GNU Aspell 0.50-3 . . . Aspell-0-50-3-3-Binaries-Setup.exe
Aspell English Dictionary-0.50-2 . . . Aspell-en-0.50-2-3-Word List.exeI put Aspell in the Notepad++ sub-directory, but that doesn’t enable Aspell to be portable . . .
ie. After I updated Notepad++ with Aspell, and moved it to a USB flash drive,
I de-installed the above two exe,
put Notepad++ back on C:,
and Aspell no longer workedIs there a way to make it portable? I get it to work by going through these three:
1 How to Add Spell Check to Notepad++ . . .
2 GNU Aspell (Win32 version).pdf . . .
3 Tweak for Aspell . . .
en.pws3 Tweak for Aspell.pdf (this pdf has my notes on it) . . .
Confusion question: Aspell vs. DSpellCheck
I don’t think that DSpellCheck comes installed on NP++ by default.
Maybe I installed it through the Plugins Manager a while back.
I no longer see it in my new, current install.This is a setting that I had changed:
Plugins / DSpellCheck / [un-check] Spell Check Document AutomaticallyIt doesn’t look like I need DSpellCheck in order for Aspell to run.
Is Aspell better than DSpellCheck?
I see that Aspell is not portable - in either the PortableApps or native version of NP++
DSpellCheck is a different spell checker.
DSpellCheck is portable in both the native and PortableApps version of NP++ - but it’s not as good of a spell checker
. . . Keep DSpellCheck installed, as a backup, portable spell checkerCan Aspell be made portable?
Is there another spell checker like Aspell that is portable?