Plugin request: GhostText support
GhostText is a browser plugin that enables seamless synchronization between web form text entry and external editors.
As of now, it does not support NPP because it needs an editor-side websocket server.
Such functionality, either in the editor proper or a plugin, would be very useful for automation and integration.
Interesting idea.
Unfortunately, one rarely sees a request for “will someone write a plugin to do XYZ” ever gain any traction.
The problem is that usually the people who have the skills to write a plugin have one or more that they’ve already written and are maintaining that keep them busier than they like, and the only time they’ll take on a new plugin is when they are the ones interested in having some new feature.
But maybe this post will interest someone enough for them to write it. Good luck.
Actually the protocol is very simple (famous last words, I know), so even though I have very limited experience with websockets, I may be able to put something together.
A PythonScript plugin would be the best approach. I suggest starting with the NeoVim plugin , which is just a Python module . Most of the APIs provided by
should have Scintilla equivalents in PythonScript’s API modules . If not, you could make a contribution to PythonScript by patching them in. (Neo)Vim is years ahead of N++ in terms of a fully integrated Python subsystem.