How to start a search automatically
@dinkumoil said in How to start a search automatically:
I would like to recommend using the tool grepWin for searching
A nice thing about this is that grepWin uses the Boost regex engine, just like Notepad++, so if you are very familiar with doing “advanced” searching with regular expressions in Notepad++, you’d feel very familiar with doing it in grepWin.
@dinkumoil said in How to start a search automatically:
(grepWin) can be configured to start Notepad++ or any other text editor by double-clicking its search results. It is even possible to place the cursor in Notepad++ at a certain search result using the appropriate Npp command line options.
I took a deeper look into this, and I didn’t see how to configure these two things as described. Can you elaborate, @dinkumoil ? Note that the double-clicking might be straightforward using a file association, but I don’t like those and would hope that there is another way.
I do realize that this isn’t a grepWin support forum, but we are talking about “integration” with Notepad++, so I think it is OK.
@Alan-Kilborn said in How to start a search automatically:
I took a deeper look into this, and I didn’t see how to configure these two things as described.
Never mind; I see it now.
It could have been I was using an older version at first where this wasn’t supported. (Or I just missed it)
On the latest (2.0.4) now and this configuration is available by pressing the Settings button on the grepWin UI.
Nothing about it in the Help stuff that I saw, though.It can only be configured to jump to the line of the match; having a column jump would make this truly useful.
@kaifuzi Another approach that might provide more flexibility is to use a third-party macro program like AutoHotKey, which is a standard for power users. You can create macros that can automate things in any program you use, including the operating system.
Not sure if links are allowed here, but it should be pretty easy to find. There are a million different examples on the web for how to do something like this, but I think your task would be incredibly easy.
Nice to hear that you were successful to configure grepWin in a way that it integrates with Notepad++.
Indeed, I was too “enthusiastic” about grepWin in my statement above ;-). Sadly it provides no means to navigate to the column of a search result.
@pbarney said in How to start a search automatically:
Not sure if links are allowed here
Yes, they are - as long as the links point to valuable content connected with the topic of the issue. You can even use the Markdown syntax for embedding links into floating text.
This is a [link to Npp's homepage](
This is a link to Npp’s homepage.
A Alan Kilborn referenced this topic on
A Alan Kilborn referenced this topic on
I’m in a similar need as OP. My use case is: I have a chrome extension (“External Application Launcher” ) that can trigger any other local application to open, with arguments being several possibilities: the current html address , title, and or selection of text.
I would like to be able to select several words, then have that extension call Notepad++ with the reference of the current html file, AND current selection, so that Notepad can open the html file (for editing) AT THE RIGHT PLACE. -
You already asked that over here – no reason to ask twice in the same Community: everyone who would see your post here will also be able to see it there. It helps no one – not even you – to post the same question in two different topics; and it annoys those of us who are most likely to help you.
But if the line number solution (which I suggested 15 minutes before you posted this) will not work for you, the scripting solution explored in this discussion will. If you are willing to install the PythonScript plugin, it can be made to parse the Notepad++ command line, and it could launch the search for you – even though I think forcing Notepad++ to search the file when your chrome extension should already know the exact line (
) or character (-p
) where the text starts and could pass that to notepad++'s indicated command-line arguments – so if you cannot get-n
to work for you, make use of the-pluginMessage
option, and write a script to read that message from the PythonScript plugin, and have PS launch the search for you. -
@PeterJones Sorry it has annoyed you or others here.
everyone who would see your post here will also be able to see it there.
How do you know that? Are people reading this page redirected automatically to the other page , or what am I missing? I thought people Choose to read a page based on it title, so the sets of readers might not (fully) overlap.
But if the line number solution (which I suggested 15 minutes before you posted this)
I guess my notifications on this site were turned off.
But thanks for trying to help, anyway.
@Victorel-Petrovich ,
That’s whatSearch
is for, in the forum’s tools. That also, is probably how @PeterJones is able to find a previous post from you, on the same subject and then link it for you to see.Learn the tools available to you, so you can do things on your own, rather than keep asking others reiteratively. It’s behooves us to keep as much information contained in an already asked question so that the search won’t have you looking in several different places, because then people get tired of searching multiple threads to get the same questions answered. Understand?
You also learn to be a bit more polite.