Shift+F3 no more works
It seems that since a recent update, Shift+F3 does no more backwards-search, while F3 and Ctrl+Shift+F3 still work, and no conflict is shown in the shortcuts settings. Howto reenable it?
Hello, @reinhardhofmann and All,
Close any Notepad++ instance
Open your active
file with Microsoft notepad ( not Notepad++ ) -
Move near the end of the third line, beginning with
FindHistory nbMaxFindHistoryPath...
You should see an attribute named
Change its value from
Save the changes
Close Microsoft notepad
Open Notepad++
=> From now on, the
backward regex
search will be available ;-))Best Regards,
@guy038 said in Shift+F3 no more works:
the backward regex search will be available
@reinhardhofmann But don’t report any bugs regarding behavior that seems unusual when you are searching in a backwards direction with regular expressions – that’s why this feature is sort of hidden – too keep people from noticing and reporting unexpected behavior.
@reinhardhofmann Your observed behavior is “normal behavior” for Notepad++. There is a “gotcha” with it.
If you bring up the finder window (Ctrl-F) the Search Mode choices in the lower-left corner are Normal, Extended, and Regular expression. Shift F3 works if you are in Normal or Extended mode. Shift-F3 does not work if you are in Regular expression mode.
@guy038 gave you a “back door” thing that enables Shift-F3 when in Regular expression mode. It’s in the Notepad++ manual and so it’s not like it’s a super-secret thing… :-)
@Alan-Kilborn warns that there may be unusual behavior when doing a backwards regular expression search using shift-F3. The manual warns you about “sometimes surprising results” but other than that, it’s best to dial up your favorite mysterious music when attempting to discover edge conditions of what happens if you perform regular expressions, backwards.
@mkupper said in Shift+F3 no more works:
it’s best to dial up your favorite mysterious music when attempting to discover edge conditions of what happens if you perform regular expressions, backwards.
@PeterJones Maybe the user manual should provide an example?
@Alan-Kilborn said in Shift+F3 no more works:
Maybe the user manual should provide an example?
If someone were to create an issue in the UM repo , and provide an example regex that will not work as expected in backwards mode, I could add it into the manual. (But I don’t know how to craft a simple regex that would have an obvious meaning when searching forward, but mess up when searching backward, so I cannot come up with an example myself.)
It seems like there should be one when that “power user” mode thing was added to Notepad++. I’ll see if I can find it.
Hi, @reinhardhofmann, @alan-kilborn, @mkupper and All,
Hi, All, do you know that, even with the
enabled, there are still some cases where thebackward regex
search do not work ?For example, in a new tab, copy this text :
This is à test This is à second test This is à third test This is à final test
Note that, in each line, I replaced the indefinite English article
with the French accentuated letterà
Move to the beginning of this file
Select the
letter, in line1
Open the search dialog (
Ctrl + F
) -
Tick the
Wrap around
box option -
Select the
Regular expression
search mode -
Hit on the
Find Next
=> The
char, in line2
, should be selected-
Close the Find dilaog (
) -
Hit the
=> Again, the
char, in line3
, should be selected- Now, use the
Shift+ F3
shortcut => Nothing happened ???
( Of course, I suppose that you do have the string
, in your activeconfig.xml
file ! )
This happens ONLY IF :
Your search mode is
Regular expression
The searched character is over
The current encoding file is an Unicode one :
orUTF-16 lE BOM
Luckily, I’ve found a way around this limitation. The rule is :
When a
regex do not work as expected, simply add the regex string(?=(?s).)
at the end of the present regex !Thus, if we, now, search for the regex
, you should be able to search backwards or forwards, at any time !Best Regards,
Hello, @peterjones, and All,
Regarding examples to include in the Official documentation, here are two examples which :
Do not work at all, in backward direction, if the
is not set -
Else, allows the regex backward search but gives right results in the first example only
Let’s consider the following text, where I included, this time, the classical English
article :This is a test This is a second test This is a third test This is a final test
If the
option is enabled ("yes"
) :-
The regex
does find the greatest range of characters, between ai
letter and thete
string in BOTH forward AND backward search -
The regex
does find the greatest range of chars, beginning with ani
letter, in forward search BUT finds multiple wrong occurrences when used in backward direction !
If the
option is disabled ("no"
) :- The two regexes works as expected in forward direction and CANNOT be used in backward direction
even with the regexBackward4PowerUser enabled, there are still some cases where the backward regex search do not work ?
YES! No one ever said all regexes work fine moving backward in this mode. If they did, there’d be no need for the mode to exist at all!
@guy038 said in Shift+F3 no more works:
The regex (?s)i.+ does find the greatest range of chars, beginning with an i letter, in forward search BUT finds multiple wrong occurrences when used in backward direction !
What about
for this case?
(I’m away from my Notepad++ PC right now so I can’t try it) -
Nobody has talked about trying to actually solve the issues with backward regex searching, but it seems to me like a potential solution might be along these lines:
when someone regex-searches backwards: if need-to-re-search-file: regex-search the entire file starting from the beginning find the last match before the current position when someone edits a file or changes the regex to be searched: set need-to-re-search-file = true
Obviously I’m not saying this would be easy and I fully expect it would be very hard to implement, but what do people think about that idea?
@Mark-Olson said in Shift+F3 no more works:
Nobody has talked about trying to actually solve the issues with backward regex searching
Perhaps I have missed it, but I have not yet seen the issues precisely defined. In particular, I haven’t seen it stated whether the problem is that:
the expected result of backward searching with a regular expression is not always well-defined.
the expected result is well-defined, but the implementation — due to Boost, Scintilla, Notepad++ or some combination thereof — is not always correct.
Is it known which applies, and under what specific conditions?
Hello, @reinhardhofmann, @mkupper, @alan-kilborn, @peterjones, @mark-olson, @coises and All,
Oh…, in my previous post, I did a mistake : I spoke about a second example
. But, I really did tests with the regex(?-s)i.+
!When the
backward regex
search is allowed, EACH backward regex(?-s)i.+
finds a string, reduced by a single characterBut, unfortunately, Alan, the regex
do not give the expected results, allthough it reduces the number of steps before a CORRECT backward occurrence !
Thus, my general rule should be modified as :
When a
regex do not work as expected, try adding the regex string(?=(?s).)
at the end of the present regex. It may work correctly !Best Regards,
I wrote in Shift+F3 no more works that the problem might be:
the expected result of backward searching with a regular expression is not always well-defined.
Example of how this could be ambiguous:
Given the text:
and the regular expression:
when matching normally there is one match —
. When matching backward, is there one match —abcdef
— or are there two matches —de
?What about the regular expression:
matching backward:abcde