How to convert Encode64 to pdf file using Notepad++?
How to convert Encode64 to pdf file using Notepad++?
What do you mean with “Encode64”?
Answer: You don’t.
Hello, @Chokka
Please try this code, To convert Encode64 to PDF file using notepad++ :
// The Base64 string of a simple PDF file var b64 = 'qWbOvwrMwEm+qrA30N6zFIMdzO/mW5zRN44s26ZLnQdSAs8CmVuZHN0cmVhbQplbmRvYmoKc3RhcnR4cmVmCjE5NzExCiUlRU9GCg=='; // Decode Base64 to binary and show some information about the PDF file (note that I skipped all checks) var bin = atob(b64); console.log('File Size:', Math.round(bin.length / 1024), 'KB'); console.log('PDF Version:', bin.match(/^.PDF-([0-9.]+)/)[1]); console.log('Create Date:', bin.match(/<xmp:CreateDate>(.+?)<\/xmp:CreateDate>/)[1]); console.log('Modify Date:', bin.match(/<xmp:ModifyDate>(.+?)<\/xmp:ModifyDate>/)[1]); console.log('Creator Tool:', bin.match(/<xmp:CreatorTool>(.+?)<\/xmp:CreatorTool>/)[1]); // Embed the PDF into the HTML page and show it to the user var obj = document.createElement('object'); = '100%'; = '842pt'; obj.type = 'application/pdf'; = 'data:application/pdf;base64,' + b64; document.body.appendChild(obj); // Insert a link that allows the user to download the PDF file var link = document.createElement('a'); link.innerHTML = 'Download PDF file'; = 'file.pdf'; link.href = 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,' + b64; document.body.appendChild(link);
I hope above code will be useful for you.
Thank you. -
What is the programming language of this? Is this java/JS/groovy or some other language ?
How should be run this? -
The script you are replying to, from four years ago, has nothing to do with Notepad++.
It appears it might be javascript intended to be run in the browser, but I wouldn’t run it without fully understanding the code. (I tried to base64-decode the string that the script supplied, for example, but it doesn’t end up starting with the bytes
, so I am pretty sure it doesn’t decode into a PDF file like it purported to doing; as such, I really wouldn’t trust anything in that script.)The right answer to the 2019 question is the one Alan gave in 2019: “you don’t”.
PDF is a binary format, not a text format, and Notepad++ is a text editor.
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