Feature request: Resizable UDL window
The dialog presented by the menu item "Language/User Defined Language/Define your Language could be resizable, allowing expansion of the “User Language:” combo box that currently truncates, making it impossible to distinguish between longer language files sharing like characters in a prefix.
The same combobox should also present a tooltip with the complete name of the language over which you are hovering if truncated, both when collapsed or expanded, when the mouse hovers upon it.
Thank you.
That’s a great idea – whether it’s a tooltip or resizable. Unfortunately, we fellow Notepad++ users in the Community don’t get to make decisions about such things. I suggest following our Feature Request FAQ to make the feature request in a place where the developer will see it and could make a decision about it. (As the FAQ says, make sure you search the existing issues – both still-open and already-closed – to make sure no one else has requested that – and upvote it if it already exists)