Grab Mobile Phone Number from wrap data
Hi Here…
I have data like as:healthcare Pratik Mandiri dr. socmed socmed +6208129311111 healthcare Praktek Umum socmed socmed +6208154077777
How to grab mobile phone number:
Pratik Mandiri dr. | 6208129311111
Praktek Umum | 6208154077777Or other result, grab mobile phone number only:
6208154077777Moderator here, I’ve surrounded the example data in a code box. Please refer to the FAQ post here for the correct method of showing examples.
Based only on the information you provided in your initial post, if you wanted to extract
Pratik Mandiri dr. | 6208129311111 Praktek Umum | 6208154077777
you would go to the Find/Replace form (Ctrl+H with normal keybindings), check Wrap Around, set Search Mode to
Regular expression
, and:
Find what:(?-si)healthcare\R(.*)\Rsocmed\R.*\Rsocmed\R\+(\d+)
Replace with:${1} | ${2}
To understand the regular expression I wrote here, you can read the Notepad++ documentation on regular expressions .
In brief (italicized words or phrases are important concepts from regular expressions):
is a flag that makes it so that all ASCII letters are matched case-sensitively (the default is to ignore case) and the.
metacharacter matches non-newline characters- The
escape sequence matches any newline (this could be\r\n
for Windows,\r
for Mac, or\n
for Linux) .*
matches an entire line (including an empty line)- The
escape sequence matches any one of the characters0123456789
- The
metacharacter indicates that the preceding pattern should be matched 0 or more times - The
metacharacter indicates that the preceding pattern should be matched 1 or more times - the
create two capture groups that are referenced in the Replace With as${1}
respectively - The Replace With has its own special syntax and set of special sequences that is different from the syntax for the Find what. For instance, in the Replace With syntax,
have no special meaning; they’re just treated as normal characters.
Hopefully that’s enough information for you to tweak this regular expression as needed, in case what I gave you is not general enough to meet your needs.
Hello, @tcast-mobile, @mark-olson and All,
@tcast-mobile, just a variant which does not care about the
string but simply searches for the nearest multi-digits phone number, preceded by a+
sign, beginning a line :FIND
$1 | $2
Notes :
Most of the explanations, relative to the regex syntax, have already been given by Mark. Two other points :
syntax is a non-capturing group, as we do not need this information in replacement -
represents a literal+
Best Regards,