Notepad++ Table plugin
Tried to install Notepad++ Table Plugin. It’s not in the plugin list repository, but was on CNET. Notepad++ choked on it. Keeps giving me an error asking if I want to delete it as it is not compatible.
Anyone know anything about this plugin? -
It’s not surprising it wasn’t acceptable by Notepad++. Firstly that CNET site says it was last updated in 2020.
I don’t use plugins so unsure of what the failed one actually did, nor what plugin amongst the current list might be a suitable replacement.
The best I can say is once you have Notepad++ running, go to Plugin Admin, there is a list, plus also a link to the plugin repository which might be a better idea. That way you will get more detail.
If you are needing to use the failed plugin, then download a “portable” version of Notepad++ of around the same period which will likely be necessary.
Aside from what @Terry-R said, you need to look at your ?-menu’s Debug Info – it will tell you whether your copy of Notepad++ is 32-bit or 64-bit. You then need to download the appropriate version of the Plugin DLL, so that it’s compatible. It may be, for example, that you downloaded the 32-bit plugin but have the 64-bit Notepad++ (or vice versa).
And for older plugins, the author may have only ever made a 32-bit version, so if the download website doesn’t say whether it’s 64-bit or 32-bit and it’s not been updated in years, the chances are good that it’s a 32-bit plugin.
So, if you have 64-bit Notepad++, and it’s saying the plugin is incompatible, I would recommend downloading a portable 32-bit Notepad++ zip from the official downloads site (, unzip to a temporary directory, and try putting the plugin in the 32-bit portable – if it works there, then you’ll have to decide whether to just use the portable when you want to use that plugin and use your installed for everything else, or whether you want to uninstall the 64-bit and install the 32-bit so that you can use an old, unsupported plugin.
Based on some Googling, it looks like the Notepad++ Table plugin consists of a single GUI form and a button that lets the user create an HTML table with customizable parameters. A decent Python programmer could probably cobble together something with comparable capabilities in PythonScript in a couple of hours.