**Last version (6.8.5) not finding 6.8.6 on Update Enquiry**
I received an email from “Download.com ” that there was an update to Notepad++
with it moving to Version 6.8.6
I went into my 6.8.5 version and clicked on the “?” menu item and clicked on
“Update Notepad” and was informed “No update available”.If it was not for “Download.com ” informing me, I would never have known!
Perhaps Notepad++ itself should send out a (hopefully) once only email to all users to alert them to the update. Also, there must have been a bug in the old version and perhaps it is still present in the new version. I am not sure where to report this.
The auto updater is triggered about a week after a release, that way in case any major bugs are found, thousands of people don’t have a bad version.
Bugs can be reported on Github .