How are being auto-runing http://localhost/file/file.php or for localhost:8080/file/file.html ..?
How are being auto-runing http://localhost/file/file.php or for localhost:8080/file/file.html …?
Hello Cem Kaderoglu,
what do you mean by “auto-running”?
A link is not a program or script.
Do you mean, while editing a php script or html site you
want to see the changes in a browser synchronously?
If so you may check out html preview plugin,
but I’m not sure how well it works with php script.If you just want to write php/html and see the result in an installed
browser you do have the possibility to launch different installed browsers
via the RUN menu.Cheers
Claudia -
Hi Claudia,
You first want to thank you very much for you help and you responded …html css / php working with when npp files such as menu -> run -> Browser and/or localhost / (/file/file/file/file/file.php) option How do I get my work files and the browser opens automatically when the work …!
Hello Cem,
I’m still not 100% sure what you try to achieve.
I do understand that you are aware of the RUN menu possibilities but
I do not understand what you mean byHow do I get my work files and the browser opens automatically when the work …!
Do you mean you want to start npp, your files and the browser together?
If so, I would suggest to use the save session functionality of npp.
When you start npp with parameter -openSession <full_path_of_session_file>
the files get open as well. When putting Npp and your browser in the startup
folder of windows both programs will be started after logon automatically.Was this helpful?
Claudia -
I want to working editor npp, press button " menu->run->chrome/localhost/… /index.php " , on browser working at index.php , this is practicality…
thank you for recomented Cloudia
cheers to you -
Hi Cem,
I guess I understand now. You want to edit your index.php in npp editor
and you want to start it with a browser using its url instead of its path. Correct?
So something like
GoogleChromePortable.exe http://…/index.phpIf this is the case, then you cannot use RUN menu and Launch …
Instead use RUN menu RUN (F5 shortcut)INSTALLATION_PATH\GoogleChromePortable.exe http://localhost …/$(FILE_NAME)
$(FILE_NAME) is the current file open.
Claudia -
thank you Cloudia
i love you…