multiple function types in functionList
Is there a way to have a functionList setup for a language where I have two different types of “functions” that I want to find? For instance I have the following functionList entry:
<parser id="vsoc_function" displayName="VSOC"> <function mainExpr="^[\s]*(?<!#)[\s]*(pre|post)processor[\s]+[\w-]+[\s]*\(?[^\)\(]*?\)?[\n\s]*\{" displayMode="node"> <className> <nameExpr expr="[\w-]+(?=-)"/> </className> <functionName> <nameExpr expr="((pre|post)processor[\s]+)?[\w-]+-\K[\w]+"/> </functionName> </function> </parser>
which matches lines like
preprocessor Test-Class-Name-functionName {
but I also want to be able to match lines like
Label = "clear_and_exit";
Which I use this regex for:
<parser id="vsoc_function2" displayName="VSOC"> <function mainExpr="^[\s]*Label[\s]*=[\s]*"[^"]+"" displayMode="$className->$functionName"> <className> <nameExpr expr="Label"/> </className> <functionName> <nameExpr expr="Label[\s]*=[\s]*"\K[^"]+"/> </functionName> </function> </parser>
Independently these both work as I want but I haven’t found any way to have both functionLists to be applied at the same time. Ideally I want to be able to use the function list to quickly go to any specific function or label.
Hello Kevin-Cryan,
well, I’m not a regex expert and I used your examples to make it work somehow.
<parser id="vsoc_function" displayName="VSOC"> <function mainExpr="^[\s]*(?<!#)[\s]*(((pre|post)processor)|Label)[\s]+([\w-]|=)+[\s]*((\(?[^\)\(]*?\)?[\n\s]*\{)|("[^"]+"))" > <functionName> <nameExpr expr="((Label[\s]*=[\s]*"\K[^"]+)| ((pre|post)processor[\s]+)?[\w-]+-\K[\w]+)"/> </functionName> </function> </parser>
If it doesn’t make sense, then please ignore it. I’m still trying to understand most of the regex secrets.
But if it makes sense I guess you can use it to modify it to your needs.Cheers
Claudia -
Thanks. I will give it try.